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What does the EU stand for ?

Dissertation : What does the EU stand for ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Février 2013  •  Dissertation  •  306 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 290 Vues

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What does the EU stand for?

- Schengen agreement

- Competition policy, subsidies no longer aloud, simple market

- CAP Common Agricultural Policy

- Single currency/money : euro, at the moment : 17 members states are part of the euro area

- UE  solidarity bus gives money for poor regions

- Environmental policy : tap water, thanks to UE  everywhere in UE we can drink water

- Human rights, news constitution change things

- Equality : women, men

- Development aid, humanitarian aid, safety of nuclear power plants

- Consumer policy : controversy (fb)

- US/UE : alliance there is a lot of disagreement  like data protection

 People have less and less trust in the EU

EU Nat policy Nat gouv

August 2011 34% 27% 24%

Trust of EU 2004 citizens in 50% 38% 34%

1973  Ireland, UK, Danemark

Why people lose believes in the UE?

Euro sclerosis is a term used to describe a moment in European integration when the integration project has slowed down significantly in its pat and is at some points completely blocked

Most of the economy  difficulties except for Germany.

3 Times Britain ask to become a member  France were not agree

First of all the agriculture  base of the foundation EU.

Britain wants put less than their receive, besides they didn’t have a big market in agriculture

1971 Thatcher “I want my money back” (Ideas about membership in EU)

Single market: 1990’s  liberalization of market big project

Progress was not possible  base of Britain problem.

VGD (right), Helmut Schmidt (left)  friends ship very important for Europe  European deal, consensus. Best working pair. They were not in the same party but one of the best couples.

Deal of them: they create a new institution  1970’s: European council (first time in 1975). They see each other twice a year.

March 1982 : the celebration of the twenty fifth anniversary of the Rome treaties is cancelled.

CECA: European coal and steel community CECA 1952

EEC: european Economic Community 1958

Erratum launched 1958


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