What does the EU stand for ?
Dissertation : What does the EU stand for ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mamaman • 24 Février 2013 • Dissertation • 306 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 290 Vues
What does the EU stand for?
- Schengen agreement
- Competition policy, subsidies no longer aloud, simple market
- CAP Common Agricultural Policy
- Single currency/money : euro, at the moment : 17 members states are part of the euro area
- UE solidarity bus gives money for poor regions
- Environmental policy : tap water, thanks to UE everywhere in UE we can drink water
- Human rights, news constitution change things
- Equality : women, men
- Development aid, humanitarian aid, safety of nuclear power plants
- Consumer policy : controversy (fb)
- US/UE : alliance there is a lot of disagreement like data protection
People have less and less trust in the EU
EU Nat policy Nat gouv
August 2011 34% 27% 24%
Trust of EU 2004 citizens in 50% 38% 34%
1973 Ireland, UK, Danemark
Why people lose believes in the UE?
Euro sclerosis is a term used to describe a moment in European integration when the integration project has slowed down significantly in its pat and is at some points completely blocked
Most of the economy difficulties except for Germany.
3 Times Britain ask to become a member France were not agree
First of all the agriculture base of the foundation EU.
Britain wants put less than their receive, besides they didn’t have a big market in agriculture
1971 Thatcher “I want my money back” (Ideas about membership in EU)
Single market: 1990’s liberalization of market big project
Progress was not possible base of Britain problem.
VGD (right), Helmut Schmidt (left) friends ship very important for Europe European deal, consensus. Best working pair. They were not in the same party but one of the best couples.
Deal of them: they create a new institution 1970’s: European council (first time in 1975). They see each other twice a year.
March 1982 : the celebration of the twenty fifth anniversary of the Rome treaties is cancelled.
CECA: European coal and steel community CECA 1952
EEC: european Economic Community 1958
Erratum launched 1958