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Michael Moore Bowling for Columbine

Discours : Michael Moore Bowling for Columbine. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Décembre 2016  •  Discours  •  407 Mots (2 Pages)  •  804 Vues

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Michael Moore – Bowling for Columbine

Moore receveid an Oscar on March, the 23rd 2003, and during his speach, he had denounced the fiction and advocated the non-fiction on his own terms and claimed this non-fiction with his movie « Bowling for Colmbine ». He claimed him with his movie because he show absolutely all the truth and had chosen to hide nothing to the American people.

But in his thank you speach he advocated the non-fiction but he also denounced and particulary the fact that Georges Bush went at war against Iraq, four days ealier. Having assumed to say what he thought, he had caused a hatred to him of a lot of people which are going to harass him, booed, and even threatened him. When he have talking about Georges Bush and his decision to go to war against Iraq he had accusedto have declared this war.

We thus find good his concept of non-fiction.

He had assumed the fact that he is ashamed of George Bush and his decision of war having saying in his thank you speach to the Oscars. But he had taken the example on the war of George Bush which particulary made angry him but he also made a reference of other problems in America who are not enough taken seriously and which thanks to him and his speach among others things will be more seriously taken later as with problems of mass shooting in school.

Indeed, he have sayed « We live in a time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious President. » He denounced then the fact that the American people lived in a fiction every day, so much for the elections, but also for problems related to gun control and still full of other things where the media show only a part of the reality, where everything is regulated, and where even in the cinemawe chosse what we want show to the public contrary to him who shows absolutely all the reality of the life or the non-fiction as he has nammed with his movie « Bowling for Columbine ».

I think he has right to denounced the problems without being ashamed, for that people can completly become aware of the american problems amongst other which are hidden by the media and the men politics and tha not everything is not well and that t thus necessary to fact because we live in the reality !


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