Can we live without technology, can we pretend as if it didn't exist?
Dissertation : Can we live without technology, can we pretend as if it didn't exist?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar kenza11234 • 9 Mars 2021 • Dissertation • 415 Mots (2 Pages) • 480 Vues
Technology is literally one of the things that makes us humans rather than simply animals. Without it, you have no clothing, no weapons, no houses, no fire. We are just animals without any fur or decent natural weapons.
Before asking ourselves whether one can live with ou without technology, we must define ht living and what technology means.
The term Living has many significations but today we’ll focus on the following ones that means “1- having a fulfilling life “
Technology is the body of techniques that humankind has developed for dealing with the world around us, and the physical products of those techniques. Making and maintaining fire? That’s a technology. Planting seeds instead of just letting them fall at random? That’s a technology.
So at the time of a global pandemc, wher technology desperatly tires to contain the crisis, can we, live withot tchnology, can we preted as if it didnt exist?
Of course, we can live and be happy without technology, it is sometimes a deliberate and perfectly respectable choice which incidentally leads us to reflect on the vanity of the race for the latest gadget (I know what I'm talking about ...), There is a certainty: those who make this choice out of fear of seeing the “real” human relationships disappear are mistaken.
It is an illusion to think that technology is alienating for the man. The whole history of evolution, and its phenomenal acceleration in the 20th and 21st centuries tend to prove the opposite: from printing to the railway, from aviation to the written press to television, great innovations adopted en masse are those that have enabled people to communicate, and people to get closer.
Thus, it appears that one can live without technology, but that amounts to placing limits on one's life. What humanity has done throughout its evolution is to learn to live as best as possible in a specific environment, by exploiting the characteristics of this environment to its advantage.
If today we have at our disposal means to, for example, see where we are and towards where we are going, but that we persist in continuing to orient ourselves according to the sun and the stars in case one day the GPS does not would not be available, it also seems absurd, because these elements, progressively improved and optimized, will become part of our environment from now on.
So to the question can we have a fulfiling life without technology i would day “yes but with mimits”.