Do you read books?
Compte rendu : Do you read books?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Caroline Wesquy • 7 Mars 2021 • Compte rendu • 1 144 Mots (5 Pages) • 433 Vues
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Do you read books?
Study based on a [pic 2][pic 3]Google Form
Caroline Ravizza-Wesquy
Two weeks ago, I was asked to chose a subject on which I will do a study in order to be evaluated on the presentation of the result of this study. So I chose to do a study on books and their consumption. In this study, the problem I also wanted to expose was the dangerousness of digital over traditional reading. First, I am going to expose the questions I asked. Then I will tell how I shared it and how many response I got. Finally I am going to show the result and analyse them before concluding.
The Questions I asked
The questions I asked were 14 basic questions. I first asked them in French and when I ended the survey I translated everything in English.
The first question I asked was Are you a man, a woman, other or don’t want to answer? It’s a basic question but which has its importance that I will demonstrate you later on.
The second one was the age of the surveyed person in order to have an age range for the analysis of the answers.
The third one was about our subject of the analysis : Do you read books?.
As we are entering in the subject with a Yes and[pic 4] No question I needed then a reason for the ones who will answer No, so I asked « If not, why? ».
The fifth one was for the readers with the genre they read with multiple choices beginning by Comics, Biographies, Novels , Mangas, Short Stories, Poetry, Drama, Epistolary novels, Argumentative essay and finally Graphic novels. With this question I will know which genre is the most read and if they diverse in age ranges.
The next one was « Do you read on traditional format, digital or both? » with the two questions asking why you read on this format.
The ninth one was the number of books approximately read per year.
Then I chose to ask if they buy or borrow the books they read. Where they borrow their books between family sphere, friends, library or media library or if they d[pic 5][pic 6]on’t want to answer. And if they buy their book how much they spent in average per year.
Finally, I asked the questions about the problem I wanted to expose about the dangerousness of digital and in function of the answer why?.
How I shared it and how many response I got
I shared the survey thanks to the Google service : Google Form which helps in the creation of surveys. Then I putted it on my Facebook personal page and on the Facebook Group « Étudiants de Strasbourg ». Thanks to supportive friends and family it was shared again and I got more answers that I truly expected. I finally had 125 on the 6th of January after one week of publishing.
Results and analysis
To the first question, 26 men, 98 women and 1 person who consider herself out of those gents answered. The fact that women are numerous in this survey show they interest in reading[pic 7][pic 8].