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Do you think real-life superheroes are useful ? Could they be popular in France ?

Dissertation : Do you think real-life superheroes are useful ? Could they be popular in France ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Mars 2020  •  Dissertation  •  344 Mots (2 Pages)  •  652 Vues

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Do you think real-life superheroes are useful ? Could they be popular in France ?

A real-life superhero is a person who dresses up in a superhero costume or mask in order to perform community service such as neighborhood watch, or in some cases vigilantism. Real-life superheroes are notably prevalent in the USA compared to other countries, which may be attributed to the greater popularity of superhero comic books. It is not outlaws who indulge in street violence by hiding behind masks. On the contrary, the real-life superheroes communities make a point of respecting the law. They use legal weapons which are weapons of disarmament or defense. Most of the time, the mask is there to guarantee anonymity to the superhero: we don’t mix private and public life. Becoming a real-life superhero is not an easy thing, it’s a real civic engagement, which requires time and courage. The phenomenon originated in the United States, although the first of them appeared in Mexico in the 80s. The phenomenon gained momentum in the USA in the 90s thanks to the generalization of the internet which allowed them to come together in an active community. This is how the United States has no less 300 superheroes in its cities. These superheroes are solicited by the police. They are listed and known to the autorities. The oldest of them is Thanatos, the Vancouver superhero, who is over 60, and who continues to help the most disadvantaged. Others are also publicized, and appreciated by the American public like Phoenix Jones, Purple Reign, Captain Jackson… So, we can say these heroes are useful.

The phenomenon has already been in Europe for a few years. In France too, we have our vigilante league, the Defendants of France, with the Surveyor, Citizen French, the Renegade and many others. There are currently around thirty French superheroes. The phenomenon is less popular in France, because we don’t have the same inspirations, the comic books are American. Now with what can be called the Americanization of the world, the phenomenon may be evolving in France.


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