Do you think you could lose your job because of a robot ?
Compte rendu : Do you think you could lose your job because of a robot ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dsfdsfdsfds • 17 Novembre 2023 • Compte rendu • 455 Mots (2 Pages) • 251 Vues
Correction Essay : Do you think you could lose your job becquse of a robot ?
In this world
ln this, world, where the youth struggle to get employed, robots could make matters
Umdoubtedly, tïe inçreasing dominance of robots in workplaces Is sure to lnçrease the leyels
of unemployment in nation.
So, why we do need robots when humans are willing to work and contribute to society?
Robots and artifiçial intelligence are some of the curent topics of research and development
But a lot of capital is invested to make or buy robots and they need to be mantained and
supplied power for their running. Their software and equipment costs are too high. Robots
need a large capital, maintenance, power, etc, whjle humans do not
On the other hand, human resources are quite affordable and reliable. Robots have no sense
of emotjons or conscience and do not have decision-making abiljties to handle diffçult
situations. Automation can be only done when robots are fed wjth programmes by humans,
According to a report in the unjted Kingdom, robots and artificiaJ intelligence wjll çreate more
jobs than they take, in the comjng years, Robots lack the abiljtv to create or imagine thing as ultimately, they are machines under human control.
In the future, we may see a robotic world, but the master key will always lie in human hands,
Correction Essay : Do you think you could lose your job becquse of a robot ?
Correction Essay : Do you think you could lose your job becquse of a robot ?
In this world
ln this, world, where the youth struggle to get employed, robots could make matters
Umdoubtedly, tïe inçreasing dominance of robots in workplaces Is sure to lnçrease the leyels
of unemployment in nation.
So, why we do need robots when humans are willing to work and contribute to society?
Robots and artifiçial intelligence are some of the curent topics of research and development
But a lot of capital is invested to make or buy robots and they need to be mantained and
supplied power for their running. Their software and equipment costs are too high. Robots
need a large capital, maintenance, power, etc, whjle humans do not
On the other hand, human resources are quite affordable and reliable. Robots have no sense
of emotjons or conscience and