BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 361 - 375
Antonio's crazy story
Antonio's crazy story Once upon a time, there was a young boy who was called Antonio. Antonio lives in Spain, in a small village by the sea Mediterranean. This young boy does not know his parents; he lives alone in a small wooden hut. He works hard on a fishing
321 Mots / 2 Pages -
AP 207 208 209 Compte-rendu concertation du 4 novembre 2014
AP : 207 208 209 Concertation du 4 novembre 2014 Professeurs : Xavier Brulé, Jérôme Buet, Alexandra Gergaud, Françoise Le Bot (référent), Thibaut Rouxel, Nicolas Stankovic. Deuxième période : du 18 novembre 2014 au 3 février 2015 (10 semaines) Première partie du travail sur le PDMF : Recherches autour d’un
1 525 Mots / 7 Pages -
Apartheid (document en anglais)
I. The history of apartheid a) The Apartheid South Africa was colonized by the English and Dutch in the seventeenth century, in 1910. Starting in 1948, the Nationalist Government led by Protestant Daniel Francois Malan in South Africa, enacted laws to define and enforce segregation. He set up a segregationist
322 Mots / 2 Pages -
Apartheid (document en anglais)
The concept discussed here is apartheid. Apartheid was introduced in South Africa in 1948 by the Afrikaner-led National Party Government. This movement is to plan systematic segregation of people of color in South Africa. Segregation is the process by which social distance is imposed on a group. South africa black
379 Mots / 2 Pages -
Apartheid - South Africa
South Africa – Apartheid How did South Africa overcome Apartheid? Intro: We are going to talk about the notion of idea of Progress, in particularly the Apartheid in South- Africa. Apartheid word meaning: "separateness" and “the state of apart” literally apart-hood was a system of racial segregation and discrimination in
508 Mots / 3 Pages -
Apology Speech
Apology Speech Je suis en Inde et je m’excuse auprès des citoyens, après que l’homosexualité soit recriminalisée en 2013. (1er ministre par ex). Dear citizens, it is a very important subject that leads me today to speak in front of you. I must say, I am very disappointed. Disappointed of
454 Mots / 2 Pages -
Apple case stdy
Colle d’anglais : SUBJECT: APPLE: INTRODUCTION: * Context: In history, many revolutions have changed the world, more recently oil revolution and digital revolution are changing our opinion of distance. * Presentation of the document: This document is an article taken from “The Guardian (a British newspaper which was founded in
594 Mots / 3 Pages -
Apple case study
Hello I represent the Apple brand, thank you very much for this appointment. We are happy to introduce our product this morning. It's a connected watch that we named "apple watch”. It is connected in Bluetooth and it allows to transmit all the data like your messages, your photos, your
309 Mots / 2 Pages -
Apple Inc traduit
1) Apple's presentation Apple Inc. is a compagny witch the registered office is located in Cupertino in Californie (USA). The compagny design and sell hardware, software and Operating System. With the launch of the graphical interface and mouse in the 1980s, Apple stand out. Apple is the most valued brand
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Apple, Brand heritage
Brand Heritage : According to Hudson (2014), Brand Heritage is defined as a concept that explicitly links a brand's historical status to their brand image and appeals to consumers. For Brands, heritage is crucial to create and strengthen an emotional connection to its consumers by re-establishing this connection to the
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MISE EN SITUATION : Plan de la note : I - Les financements classiques Les financements internes Définition Avantages Inconvénients b) Les financements externes i. Le financement intermédié ou bancaire Définition Avantages Inconvénients ii. Le financement direct (Le marché) par emprunt : obligations, titre de propriété : action II-
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Application for an unpaid internship
Sarah Jones 140 rue des oliviers 35400 Saint Etienne Human Ressources Department 24 September 2010 Dear Mr Osborne Application for an unpaid internship I am currently attending the first year of a two year course in international trade at La Provence in Saint Etienne, France. During my course of study,
265 Mots / 2 Pages -
Application letter for the position of administration/secretariat
Keys Khloe 44 rue Auguste Renoir 77550 Moissy-Cramayel France +33 6 35 58 57 36 20 Fevrier 2016 Re: Application letter for the position of administration/secretariat Dears Mrs, Mr, Currently in a first of a two-year post-A-level course in Personal Assistant studies at Lycée Eugène Delacroix, Maisons-Alfort in France, I
352 Mots / 2 Pages -
Appropriation de culture
When a person from a dominant culture gets hold of and reproduces the codes of a minority culture, without asking permission from those concerned, it is cultural appropriation. The purpose of the person was obviously not to hurt or be disrespectful (still happy). This can include dances, dresses, music, symbols,
289 Mots / 2 Pages -
Après les siècles d'occupation britannique (document en anglais).
After centuries of British occupation marked by many rebellions where Irish Republicans have worked for the right of Irish people as a whole to attain national self-determination, Ireland increased its independence movements. In this study we will talk about the evolution of the Irish society in Ireland from the formation
300 Mots / 2 Pages