Discours NRA Anglais
Discours : Discours NRA Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Rachel Couvreur • 7 Septembre 2021 • Discours • 476 Mots (2 Pages) • 479 Vues
I’m hear, in front of you as an american mother who lost her child in atrocious school shooting. A mother who lost faith and love in usa.
I’ve groune up in this beautiful country, i was carefree, inoncent and full of faith. I thought that I had a lot of chance to live in a country who believe in human write, who supporte poor people, which evolved over the years. I thought that nothing bad could happened to me because I was american and because i was in security hear
I was wrong.
My son died two years ago in a shooting school. I wont tell you where or when exactly because I want to speak out loud for all the parents that lived the same tragedy.
I’m hear to accuse you to have killed my son. I know that your not the teenager that pull the triger , but you are the reasons why he had a gun in his hand.
You the NRA, you the united states, you the government. You let it happened, worst , you encourage this.
Because of you my son died at the same time as my liver in you.
We all have to stop this mess. I’m hear to ask you all to protest against gun lobby. We are in insecurity just because our country want to do money and maintain his business.
You, the NRA, used to say that « Gun don’t kill, people do ». This is your bigger argument, your best way to defend your self. In fact, I totally agree. People finance guns, people make guns, people sell guns and who are all this people ? it is you. You creat all the tragedy that happens because of guns.
In my opinion you are coward
In USA to 100 man, 91 have a gun. This statistic it’s just terrifying ! With that number of gun it is not surprising that it exist to much violence in USA. In the school, they have been many gun violence. It happens frequently. And it’s sometimes very very murderer. Like in Columbine in 1999 when 2 young killer shoot and killed 32 people ! Most recently in 2007 in Virginia Tech, a student killed 33 other students. This 2 massacre it’s just a small part of the iceberg, and my son is a victim of this governmant disfonction. And a crime with a gun it’s like “normally” in USA.
I will broadcast this vidéo speech on youtube in order to reach everybody and prevent the world . I hope that it will awaken consciousness and make you realise that gun politics isn’t for the good and the safety of all but that it is a questions of money, only money.
I just wonder how much longer this nightmare will last and I want everybody to help me stopping this insanity.