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Discours en anglais sur les constellations

Dissertation : Discours en anglais sur les constellations. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Mai 2024  •  Dissertation  •  330 Mots (2 Pages)  •  154 Vues

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We will start by seeing origin of the name of constellation of the Great Bear then that of Ophuichus and to finish that of orion.

It is one of the most obvious constellations to observe in the sky, especially because it is the third largest in the sky, it looks like a pan. Already listed by Ptolemy's Almagest, it would represent, in Greek mythology, Callisto, a nymph loved by Zeus. When Hera, the wife of the king of the gods, discovered the extramarital affair, she changed Callisto into the Great Bear and her son Arcas into the Little Bear. The two constellations were then doomed to revolve perpetually around the North Pole, never being allowed to rest under the sea.

Like many other constellations, Ophiuchus was first listed by Aratus of Soles, then by Ptolemy in his Almagest. Presented as a man carrying a snake around him, the stellar ensemble embodied, in Greek mythology, the legendary doctor Asclepius, son of Apollo and dead strike by Zeus for having raised the dead. The king of the gods would later have placed him in the heavens to honor his healing skills.

Immediately Orion

Thanks to its many bright stars easily visible from the northern hemisphere, Orion is certainly the oldest constellation observed by men. Even if it was perceived in different forms by various civilizations.

 In Greek mythology, she represents the legendary hunter Orion, renowned for his beauty and violence and who boasted of being able to kill any animal. Even if different versions exist as to his death. One of them says that he would have been killed by a gigantic scorpion sent by Artemis, the huntress goddess, protector of the animals of the woods and forests.

As a conclusion, the constellations enabled our ancestor to guide and the origin of names illustrates the importance and appropriation of the constellation bus Humans. Today, the constellations are only looked by amateurs. But if you decide to look at Perseus' constellation in August, you will see shooting stars


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