Apology Speech
Discours : Apology Speech. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Lauuuure • 4 Janvier 2016 • Discours • 454 Mots (2 Pages) • 820 Vues
Apology Speech
Je suis en Inde et je m’excuse auprès des citoyens, après que l’homosexualité soit recriminalisée en 2013. (1er ministre par ex).
Dear citizens, it is a very important subject that leads me today to speak in front of you.
I must say, I am very disappointed. Disappointed of this major step backward towards barbarism that our government just did. Gay relationships are once again penalized because they are considered as dangerous to Humanity, unnatural, against the religion, the culture. But these arguments are those laid out by people who are afraid of the other, of what they are not used to. And I’m sorry that these people decided to wipe out all the progress we did to equality rights, to full recognition of every individual as a free citizen. But don’t misunderstand me, this fight, our fight, is far from being over. I’m going to keep rising, to keep supporting this cause that everyone should be defending. And yet, that is not the case.
They maintain that loving someone of the same sex is against nature. But the nature, there is nothing worse, it is Darwin, natural selection, the strong survive, and the weak die off. We created an artificial civilization precisely to cure these misdeeds. We have to build a society in which people stop acting like animals.
They maintain that legalizing gay relationships will disrupt our nation. But homosexuality has always existed as well as same-sex couples. The law has to adapt to the situation now that society has evolved. A large part of the world is at peace with homosexual relationships and the nations that claim to be like that, haven’t been turned upside down.
These are just two arguments in all those that I could have mentioned today. I leave it to you to think about their merits and to share its results.
Again, I’m so sorry for those people who fought all these years to have the right to love and to be with whoever they want. For five years the wind of freedom has blown on our country, we thought it was the last time that punishments, fines, harassment would never be related to same-sex relationships again. But for some reason, this light of hope has been taken from us.
It is violation of human rights when people are beaten or killed because of their sexual orientation, or because they do not conform to cultural norms about how men and women should look or behave. And we cannot allow this anymore. It is a sad day for love, and rights which is why I am asking you to get your hope, your courage, and your strength back again. Because we have lost a battle, not the war.