BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 466 - 480
Bac Pro Ccf Anglais: Ellis Island
Ellis Island I’m going to speak about Ellis Island. In the first part, I will explain what is it and I will deal with the main lines of immigration and in my second part, I will talk about the discrimination of "rich" compared to the poor. To finish, I will
383 Mots / 2 Pages -
Bac Pro Commerce Oral Anglais: le groupe Nike
NIKE I) HISTORY GROUP The company Nike is now a brand that specializes in clothing, footwear, and equipment sports, extremely experienced in the world. However, this giant was not born in a day. In Indeed, in 1962, an athletic coach, Bill Bowerman, Phil Knight and his partner decided to import
774 Mots / 4 Pages -
BAC PRO Hôtellerie - Exposé Gastronomie Anglaise
Le Royaume-Uni Géographiquement Le Royaume-Uni de Grande Bretagne et d’Irlande est composé de la Grande-Bretagne ( Angleterre, Ecosse, Pays de Galles ) et de l’Irlande du Nord. La Grande Bretagne est la plus grande île d’Europe et la neuvième plus grande île du monde. Elle est située à la confluence
610 Mots / 3 Pages -
Bac pro oral anglais Simones Biles
SIMONE BILES Simone Biles was born on March 14th (fortheen), 1997 in Columbus. She is currently 21 years old and she is an American citizen. She measures 1 metre 45 and weighs 47 kilos. She is an artistic gymnast. Simone Biles had a rather difficult childhood especially with the adoption
262 Mots / 2 Pages -
Bac synthèse anglais Heroes
Delphine Monguillon Synthèse: Heroes I am going to tell about the notion of myths and heroes. I’m going to give the definition of the heroes. Heroes are brave because they risk their life and freedom. They are determined and they struggled for a cause and for all the people. They
588 Mots / 3 Pages -
THE SECRET DIARY OF ADRIAN MOLE Presentation du theme : Today I’m going to introduce you to my theme that’s on THE SECRET DIARY OF ADRIAN MOLE. * Firstly, I will introduce you to the main character who is Adrian mole. * Secondly I’m going to introduce you to the
723 Mots / 3 Pages -
Bac, fiche Myth et heros: Barack Obama.
Myth et heros : ♠ I am going to talk about the notion of myth and heroes. First of all i would like to give a quick definition of that notion. A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. They can be fictional like
376 Mots / 2 Pages -
Balzac et la petite tailleuse Chinoise de Dai Sijie
Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise de Dai Sijie raconte l’histoire de deux jeunes hommes, le narrateur violoniste et son ami Luo, qui vivent depuis 1971 en rééducation sous la Chine communiste de Mao Zedong. Tous les jeunes « intellectuels » ayant fini leurs études secondaires ont été envoyés à
394 Mots / 2 Pages -
Balzac, Le père Goriot,1835
Balzac, Le père Goriot,1835 Le discours de la Vicomtesse : « Le monde est infâme et méchant…nos batailles à livrer », p89-90. Questions : 1. Relevez et commentez les termes qui désignent ou qualifient Mme de Bauséant. Comment nous est-elle présentée par le narrateur ? Mme la vicomtesse de Bauséant
1 628 Mots / 7 Pages -
Banksy Introduction Banksy est un artiste dont l’identité reste mystérieuse car il cultive son anonymat. On ne connaît pas son visage, on sait juste qu’il est originaire de Bristol en Angleterre et serait né en 1973. C’est un artiste engagé du Street-Art, il réalise des œuvres subversives (provocantes) dans l’espace
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Banksy take on brexit
Today I’m going to introduce you a street work of art of Banksy. To begin with,I think it’s important to definie few terms. First of all, art is the expression or application of human creativity skill and imagination. It could have cultural, social, historical and economic references. Then, political means
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Banski's biography and work
BANSKI Introduction * Artist presentation * Historical and artistic context * Presentation of a work of art 1. ARTISTE PRESENTATION : Despite his ability to break the rules, he remains to this day a mystery since his true identity has never been revealed. In all likelihood, Banksy is a Street
675 Mots / 3 Pages -
Bases d'anglais
Verbe auxiliaire ou lexical Base Verbale SPEAK / OPEN C'est l'infinitif sans TO Participe passé SPOKEN / OPENED Irrégulier : par coeur Régulier : rajouter ED à BV Participe présent SPEAKING / OPENING Dans tous les cas : rajouter ING à la BV Forme simple, continue Présent I speak I
854 Mots / 4 Pages -
Basics about Britain
Basics about Britain I. Institutions, political, leaders and political parties. Britain is a constitutional monarchy ( king or queen, and parliament) : in Westminster. • • The • • • • Queen Elizabeth II. She has a symbolical power, . Parliament : 2 chambers : house of commons and in
1 734 Mots / 7 Pages -
Battle Lavoisier
Jeanne Alloyez Eugénie Choteau Romane Debels Astrid Rauwel 2nde 3 Battle Lavoisier * Lavoisier is celebrated as the leader of the 18th century chemical revolution and consequently one of the founders of modern chemistry. * He studied at the same time chemistry,philosophy, botanic,law,geology and finance and he had a passion
288 Mots / 2 Pages