- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 906 - 1 920

  • Idée de progrès: How can indigenous people adapt to the modern world ? And Is it a good thing to keep their traditions alive ?

    Idée de progrès: How can indigenous people adapt to the modern world ? And Is it a good thing to keep their traditions alive ?

    I’m going to talk about The idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in therms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc. However, the idea of progress is still

    453 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Idée de progrès: what makes people travel and leave their country?

    Idée de progrès: what makes people travel and leave their country?

    First of all I would like to give a definition of «Exchange». It’s a continuous movement or circulation. It includes all type of exchanges : people, trade or media. A society can be approached from the point of view of its cohesion and openness, which raises questions about its place

    779 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Idee of progress Anglais Bac 2019 ES

    Idee of progress Anglais Bac 2019 ES

    Speaking exam Terminales : expression orale Guidelines for your speech (outils) 1. Introduction For me the notion, spaces and exchanges encompasses the majority of activities concerning a movement, whether human, of goods or even non-physical. With the advance of new technology, exchanges have undergone a great evolution. The flows

    444 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Idee of progress: Does the progress of sciences rhyme with progress of consciences?

    Idee of progress: Does the progress of sciences rhyme with progress of consciences?

    Introduction : The progress it's the goal of humanity. A universal goal, for example in the politic, every countries try to develop, in the economy, the technology, the research etc. But the progress is a personal intention to, for example when you are student, you want enrich what you know,

    386 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Idée pour la notion places and forms of power

    Idée pour la notion places and forms of power

    Introduction: Definition: Places: could be important buildings or institutions which symbolize power. Power: is the ability to influence people’s behaviors. Power promotes social cohesion but can also leads to tensions and conflicts Power implies counter power in society. There are 3 main forms of power: executive, legislative and juridical But

    574 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Identifier et collecter les éléments de la paie

    Identifier et collecter les éléments de la paie

    FOAD MARDI 17 JANVIER 2023 BLOC 3 II. Identifier et collecter les éléments de la paie Question 5 : Les différents compléments de salaire accordés à M.Paget sont les avantages en nature tels que le véhicule de fonction, l’ordinateur portable, le smartphone, la mutuelle pour toute la famille. Question 6

    268 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Identifier les relations entre l’entreprise et les ménages.

    Identifier les relations entre l’entreprise et les ménages.

    Identifier les relations entre l’entreprise et les ménages. Les offres personnalisées, c’est aussi sur mobile. 1) Les ménages souhaitent pouvoir accéder au contenue des voyages depuis leurs téléphones portable et donc avoir une agence online et également que les voyages puissent être plus personnalisés. 2) Une relation plus personnalisés et

    629 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Identifier une mission et mesurer une performance

    Identifier une mission et mesurer une performance

    Identifier une mission et mesurer une performance 1.1. La mairie de Roissy-en-Brie (77) organiser un forum des associations sportives et culturelles pour aider les associations et montrer l’activité associative de la ville. Il y a Linette, Charles et Rojan qui sont habituellement chargés du dossier, les objectifs à chaque organisateurs

    564 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Identities and exchanges: the pros and the cons

    Identities and exchanges: the pros and the cons

    To begin with, everyone of us has their own identity. Indeed, identity allow to differentiate a person, without possible confusion. It’s a permanent and fundamental feature which makes the individuality or singularity of a person. Our identity is made up of: nationality, the place and the date of birth. An

    478 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Identity politics

    Identity politics

    sIDENTITY POLITICS: FROM INCLUSION TO DIVISION Identity politics consist of taking a political position based on one’s interests and perspectives of social groups in which one identifies. In our modern world, the efficiency and relevancy of this idea is still dividing opinions and the four documents we have are exposing

    685 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Identity, Ma/Pa, Geographia intersexual, Alberto Castillo

    Identity, Ma/Pa, Geographia intersexual, Alberto Castillo

    I have chosen to explore the topic of Identity through a piece of theater made by Alberto Castillo and directed by Isael Almanza, who are Mexicans. The artwork is called “Ma/Pa, Geografia Intersexual”, that can be translated into English as “Mommy/Daddy, Intersex Geography”.There's a double meaning in the title, one

    379 Mots / 2 Pages
  • If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today?

    If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today?

    J.G November 25, 2012 If music reflects the mood of an age, what can you say about music of today? We have been playing music since the Ancient Times, but music has always had a different meaning depending upon ages, places, and generations. For example, the Greek’s and Roman’s music

    510 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Ignorance is bliss

    Ignorance is bliss

    Ignorance is bliss Two weeks ago we were on holiday. Sometimes when you’re on holiday you just want to relax and enjoy yourself. You don’t mind anymore about what’s happening in the world. You’re just having a good time. When you come back home, reality catches up with you. You

    647 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Il y a, poèmes à Lou

    Il y a, poèmes à Lou

    IL Y A Poèmes à Lou préambule * poème de la présence qui donne à voir + esthétique de la répétition : une poésie du constat qui s’oppose à la poésie du symbole ( pas d’humanisation de la nature) => réduit son discours à l’évocation objective de la réalité matérielle

    2 743 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Illuminaties : myth or reality?

    Illuminaties : myth or reality?

    Illuminaties : Myth Or Reality ? Myths are very old spoken legend which we can’t find the origin. There are often several versions. In everyday langage, myths are wrong stories or wrong ideas. We often hear talking about illuminaties when something strange arrive so I asked myself if illuminaties exist.

    380 Mots / 2 Pages
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