BAC Anglais LV1
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Imagination at work notion
To illustrate the theme Imagination at work, I have chosen to present 2 texts we studied in class. The first one is an excerpt from Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley published in 1932. The second document is taken from 1984 written by George Orwell published in 1948. To
768 Mots / 4 Pages -
Imagine dragons
Imagine Dragons I’m introducing the band Imagine Dragons. We don’t know the origin of the name it is an anagram. The group is of American origin more precisely from Las Vegas in Nevada. Their music style is positive and inspiring, they make alternative rock. They started their group in 2009
280 Mots / 2 Pages -
P: Hello and welcome to this new episode of the “Daily planet”. The last 5 years, the number of unauthorized immigrants have considerably grown in the USA. Why? Because of the famous American dream. In order to understand properly this notion, we decided to ask an immigrant himself. Please welcome
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Immigration aux Etats-Unis
Immigration Thème 1.It is more and more obvious for those who live along the Mexican border or those who try to protect it that a totally inviolable border doesn’t exist more than crime-free cities do. 2. Even in the zones where vertiginous height walls can be found overhung by drones
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Immigration clandestine
Immigration is the phenomenon by which one or more people decide to generally start from theircountry of origin for a destination in a countrylocated in another continent. Immigration is aphenomenon which gained in importance theselast years. With an aim of sensitizing you dearJocelyn, and all young African with the risks
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Immigration in America
I.HISTORY RELATED TO IMMIGRATION The United States of America is a country of immigrants.The first wave of immigration starts in 1492 with Christopher Colombus. Then the British colonies decided to bring slaves from Africa to exploit the natural resources like in the cotton field because of the advantage of a
389 Mots / 2 Pages -
Impact des JO 2012 de Londres sur la ville et la population en Général
CCF : Thème 3 : Impact des JO 2012 de Londres sur la ville et la population en Général 1) Preamble : The theme on English culture that I chose is the impact of the 2012 (two thousand and twelve) London Olympics on the city and the general population. The
336 Mots / 2 Pages -
Importance du mur de Berlin
patrimoine culturel: l'ensemble des biens, matériels ou immatériels, ayant une importance artistique et/ou historique certaine pour un Etat Patrimoine Fr: 45 sites à l'Unesco -> monument historique, religieux, culturel ; naturel immateriel -> gastronomie, alpinisme tour de france, produit de luxe, louvre à Abou Dabi Vie a la française ->
254 Mots / 2 Pages -
Importance of reading
Young people would read less and less and it would become absolutely necessary to restore their taste for reading. We will try to recall its benefits. We will show on the other hand that the pleasure of reading has not disappeared, but that its fashions have changed. The benefits of
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IMPORTANT LANDMARKS IN THE HISTORY OF THE US DEATH PENALTY - 1972: the death penalty was suspended by US Supreme Court (Furman v. Georgia) - 1976: the death penalty was reintroduced by US Supreme Court (Gregg v. Georgia) - 1999: the year when most people were executed in the US:
785 Mots / 4 Pages -
In a life in the confinement
FAVE – Jean-Patrick – T STI2D 2 Tuesday, 5th May, 2020 English LV1 – Final Task Chapter 3 – Beeing a teenager during the Swinging Sixties in the United Kingdom Comments : Appreciation : Wednesday,16th may, 1973 Dear diary, I want to thank you for what you did during my
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In Britain, many equipment in surveillance technology are used
BALDASSARI Téo LEBIHAN Vincent 1L2 A Surveillance Society In Britain, many equipment in surveillance technology are used. For example, in Merseyside, the spy drone is used to watch the population. According to the local police, it’s an effective technique to catch criminals. Another surveillance technology is the onboard camera. This
290 Mots / 2 Pages -
In which way can a hero be more inspirational than an icon?
MYTHS AND HEROES Introduction: A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition and it can be real or fictitious. It might be created in order to teach a lesson. A hero can be mythologic, anonymous, forgotten, fallen,
608 Mots / 3 Pages -
Since 1990, new countries are developping. This is the case of India. India is today ine of the most important country of the world. the question is What are the progess of India but also what remains to be made ? Today the indian economy is growing rapidly but also
422 Mots / 2 Pages -
India : Modernity Vs Tradition
India : Modernity Vs. Traditions If India has been a poor country for a long time , it is now part of the BRICS countries, which means that India is on its way to become a developped country, thanks to, among other things, its growing high tech companies. Documents used
758 Mots / 4 Pages