Idea of Progress : what is the ipact of scientifc progess on human life ?
Fiche : Idea of Progress : what is the ipact of scientifc progess on human life ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Imen Hassine • 23 Mars 2019 • Fiche • 897 Mots (4 Pages) • 877 Vues
Idea of Progress
I’m going to talk about the notion of progress. The notion of progress can be defined as an improvement of society, a development or a change. Progress is a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. We may answer the question, what is the impact of scientific progress on human life? First, the evolution of scientific progress has advantages and inconveniences. Then, society urges people to be identical to its standards. And finally, I will talk about the ethics of Genetic Engineering.
Firstable, we studied the document “Design your Baby”. This article deals with PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis), which is a technology that involves the manipulation of fertilized eggs before in-vitro fertilization. This document is about the evolution of scientific progress. With the progress of medicine and the PGD, parents can now create their perfect ideal baby. They can choose the baby’s appearances, his physical characteristics, his gender, his personality and even prevent any diseases. For example, they could “order” an openly minded baby with blue eyes and freckles, and of course no diseases. Nowadays people are seeking for perfection, because of today’s societies’ standards, but this genetic technology ‘s main goal is still to predict certain genetic diseases and ensure the chosen embryo is healthy. This represents a positive aspect of this scientific progress. This document shows that now we can create life in a different way and that what was impossible yesterday may become possible today. But PGD isn’t the only methods although it is the simplest. The three most important methods are PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis), TALENs (Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases), and CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats). These methods are great progress especially because it prevents any type of diseases. But I also think that these genetic manipulations can have negative impacts. We risk eliminating unique and different people from society.
But PGD, TALENs, and CRISPR aren’t the only forms of scientific progress.
Nowadays society urges people to be identical to its standards and wants to create a perfect type of human. To illustrate this argument, I choose the cartoon “Clone’s R Us”. This cartoon is about the seeking of perfection and uniformity and it represents a factory making human beings. In this factory, there are five men standing on a conveyor belt. We can distinguish two categories of men because there are four identical men and one is different. The four identical men have the same physical appearance; they’re all tall and muscular whereas the other man is way smaller and skinnier. In this cartoon, men are being compared to toys where they’re being designed to all be identical. The factory aims at creating the perfect man. This cartoon deals with eugenics which is a science whose goal is to improve the human race. Because of that, in the long term, we might all look alike. The risk with this progress is to dehumanize the human race and lose the unicity of each human being. The cartoon is very critical of the “perfecting” human genetics. Each of the “perfect” man taken individually does indeed possess very pleasing physical traits by mainstream standards. He is suggesting