Fiche : Inde. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar shot • 6 Janvier 2019 • Fiche • 422 Mots (2 Pages) • 463 Vues
Since 1990, new countries are developping. This is the case of India. India is today ine of the most important country of the world. the question is What are the progess of India but also what remains to be made ? Today the indian economy is growing rapidly but also living conditions and particularly the livings conditions of women in India.
India is growing economically. In fact it's one of the most manufacturing sites in the world. A picture that represents a part of the city of Mumbai shows that India is a rich and developped country because we can see a skyline and a lot fo buildings whith concrete. In addition in this picture, there are a lot of children so we can say that India is a recent country wuith young population. This picture depicts well that India is in path of progress.
A lot of international companies have established their head offices and a part of their production in India like Microsoft in 1990. According to a listening about Bangladore, compagnies have established their headoffices in a specifically area, a remake of the Silicon Valley called Bangladore.
However, progress remains to be made. Indeed there are a lot of problems because of this rapidly economic development. The main problem is the slums which created near to biggest cities. There, livings conditions are horrible, there are no drinking water, no electricity and we cant say that people live in real house, but cabins built with recycled materials. The film Slumdog millionaire highlights the livings conditions of slums in India.
The indian economy is growing but living conditions are also improving. Indeed the place of women is changing. According to a text called "" today women can work and divorce but the situation is fragile. In fact, according to the listening called Women in India which summerizes livings conditions of women, the female infanticide is very high because when families have a chiled, if it's a girl, a lot, calculate the mount of the dowry that they have to pay to the future family of their child. Moreover, work for women is difficult so when parents will be old, girls can't help them with money. And it causes a lot of female infanticide.
To conclude, India is in path of progress whitch a remarkable economic development but livings conditions are improving and particularly livings conditions of women even though there are a lot of progress remains to be made because today it's very difficult to be independant for a women in India.