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Immigration in America

Fiche : Immigration in America. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mars 2019  •  Fiche  •  389 Mots (2 Pages)  •  570 Vues

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The United States of America is a country of immigrants.The first wave of immigration starts in 1492 with Christopher Colombus. Then the British colonies decided to bring slaves from Africa to exploit the natural resources like in the cotton field because of the advantage of a cheaper workforce .

At the time of the Gold rush in the 19th and 20th century, many Europeans decided to immigrate in the USA precisely in New York symbol of freedom with the french gift ,the Statue of Liberty, in the aim to have a better life.

That’s why across the centuries, immigrants from all around the world came to America, seeking a better life, and every waves of immigration bringing their own contribution which defines the actual America.

As far as I can judge the immigration connect different space for example slave from Africa to the USA which exchange money against workforce .


There is many impact of immigration on the American Society .First about the culture ,indeed the USA is a country of « melting pot »which means a multi-cultural country.The perfect example of exchange of culture is with in one hand the black community from African immigration and in the other hand the European immigration which create the Jazz a mix between African rhythms and European music.

Secondly we have the impact of illegal immigration on the American economy .More precisely the USA is an attractive country and many people from Mexico for example try their chances to have a better life in the USA.These undocumented people help the American average because with that immigration it’s 1% richer moreover immigrants perform roles in the society more cheaply and they do job that native Americans don’t want to do consequently with their wages they consume and pay VAT which creates jobs. Thirdly we have the impact on the organization of the American territory .Indeed when we look at the American space we saw the impact of former immigration .At the West Coast there is the impact of Spanish and Latin American immigration with cities like Los Angeles ,San Francisco or San Diego.Then next to the Mississippi River there is impact of French immigration with cities like Baton Rouge,New Orlins or Saint Louis.Finally the East Coast with the impact of British immigration with cities like NY or Washington.


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