Importance of reading
Dissertation : Importance of reading. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Mohamed Meiter • 17 Avril 2018 • Dissertation • 342 Mots (2 Pages) • 807 Vues
Young people would read less and less and it would become absolutely necessary to restore their taste for reading. We will try to recall its benefits. We will show on the other hand that the pleasure of reading has not disappeared, but that its fashions have changed.
The benefits of reading on the studies are first and foremost obvious. A young reader enriches his knowledge. By developing his vocabulary, he improves his writing skills. Moreover, the regular reader, as he learns to concentrate his attention, gets better academic results.
In addition, reading is no less beneficial for health. We already know that it works against stress. It allows to escape for a moment the anxieties of everyday life. It can also be said that by stimulating the brain, it delays the effects of aging in the long term and is a means of effectively fighting against Alzheimer's disease.
However, all these benefits would fade in the face of new media competition. We must admit that young people read fewer and fewer books. Video games and television series offer much more realistic and convincing means of escape than novels. However, it can be seen that success in movies like Harry Potter can increase the purchase of novels, as it allows readers to extend the experience of movies.
The arrival of a new media like the Internet and especially social networks could have made fear the end of reading. But the opposite is true: the user reads and writes a lot of messages! Therefore, reading has not diminished, but it has become more social. It is also more fragmented. Young people who still read books prefer to read them as a serial, as evidenced by the success of applications that broadcast a novel chapter a day.
In short, it is inaccurate to say that young people read less and that they should be given a taste for reading. They do not ignore the benefits, but their practices evolve rapidly. They probably read fewer books, but their exposure to writing has not diminished with the new media, quite the contrary.