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Illuminaties : myth or reality?

Thèse : Illuminaties : myth or reality?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Janvier 2018  •  Thèse  •  380 Mots (2 Pages)  •  687 Vues

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Illuminaties : Myth Or Reality ?

Myths are very old spoken legend which we can’t find the origin. There are often several versions. In everyday langage, myths are wrong stories or wrong ideas.

We often hear talking about illuminaties when something strange arrive so I asked myself if illuminaties exist.

For some authors, illuminaties myth exists seens 5000 years. It seemed to be a secret society which wanted to dominate the world, creating a « New World Order ».

For others, illuminaties myth could have begun in 1776, with the appearance of a secret society named « Illuminates of Bavière » based by Adam Weishaupt. This society was a school, teaching all that was forbidden by the State and the Church.

Others again think illuminaties have a superior knowledge and want to make humanity progress.

Nowadays, some people think illuminaties are very bads and riches persons who still want to dominate the world and keep it in slavery. For them, they can be everywhere in high society.

Illuminaties symbol is a pyramid organized in 7 levels, the first level being the populations and the 13 most riches families of the world acting the last level.

We don’t really know if illuminaties exist, but some celebrities, as Madonna, confess to have talked with some of them.

So, what do you think about illuminaties ? Is it myth or reality ?

Vocabulary :

the State and the Church : l’Etat et l’Eglise knowledge : connaissance

humanity progress : progrès de l’humanité Nowadays : de nos jours

slavery : esclavage Illuminates of Bavière : les Illuminés de Bavière

acting : représentant New World Order : nouvel ordre mondial

Source : wikipedia


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