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Identity, Ma/Pa, Geographia intersexual, Alberto Castillo

Thèse : Identity, Ma/Pa, Geographia intersexual, Alberto Castillo. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Avril 2018  •  Thèse  •  379 Mots (2 Pages)  •  626 Vues

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I have chosen to explore the topic of Identity through a piece of theater made by Alberto Castillo and directed by Isael Almanza, who are Mexicans. The artwork is called “Ma/Pa, Geografia Intersexual”, that can be translated into English as “Mommy/Daddy, Intersex Geography”.There's a double meaning in the title, one would be the large gender territory in which one person can identify itself, and the second one, the body geography that allows you to decide that maybe your are not a man or a woman but simply a person.

In this piece of theater,  we appreciate the story of a woman, who was born intersexual, doctors assigned her the feminine sex and she was educated as a woman. Later in her adolescence, she has health issues and she has a second surgical intervention where, after going to the doctor she has a gender transition. Alberto Castillo evoke the topic of masculine and feminine concepts, and the change in someone's life when a gender transition begins.

To me this artwork is linked to the factor of gender. Castillo wants to sensitize the public about the serious discrimination and intolerance problem of the Mexican City and the entire world. The director takes as a starting point the diary of Herculine Barbin or Alexina B, an intersex person who lived in the 19th century, in France. From the direction, Isael Almanza realizes an assembly located at present to count the internal trip of a human being in search of itself. Science occupies a very important place in that century, when the beginning of separate the religion from everyday life took place. However, science also failed to explain the human condition, nor our curiosities and preferences.

Sexual gender has history, the society is not hundred percent accustomed to this type of changes, as religion does.  Nevertheless, society has changed since the beginning of the history, but not hundred percent of people have changed. Today there are many superficial prejudges as stereotypes in life about how a person should be, and people use to be very strict about it, of course, not the entire society. No matter when, there will be always people who will discriminate others because of the apparience. So, we should start to be the change we wanna see in the world.[pic 1][pic 2]


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