Idea of Progress : In what this major technological breakthrough can change our lives ?
Fiche : Idea of Progress : In what this major technological breakthrough can change our lives ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar villacreloise • 27 Mars 2019 • Fiche • 607 Mots (3 Pages) • 753 Vues
English Notion
I’m going to talk about the « Idea of progress » :
First of all, we can define progress in saying that is as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to make the world a better place.
To illustrate this notion, I want to talk to you about the exosqueletons. I want to present them to answer to one question : In what this major technological breakthrough can change our lives?
On the one hand, we can see the different exoskeletons positives effects.
First, we have to know that the word ‘’exoskeleton’’ initially defines an external skeleton (in the case of insects, corals, crabbs …)
The idea of a real exoskeleton for humans was just good for science-fiction many years ago.
Today, powered exoskeleton suits are becoming a reality : exoskeletons are placed on the user’s body and act as amplifiers that augment, reinforce or restore human performance. The opposite would be a mechanical prosthetic, such as a robotic arm or leg that replaces the original body part.
But this breakthrough also can be mobile or fixed/suspended in companies or factories for example in order to help workers.
Nowadays, perhaps several hundred commercial and experimental exosuits operate globally in the world.
The exoskeletons will be intended in particular for armed forces to allow them to walk long and carry heavy loads reducing their exhaustion.
Indeed, even if they are still in development, this innovation will really impact people’s lives : they will help the infirm get around safely and independently. They will also be increasingly used in companies to help people who need to carry heavy loads, or to make repetitive and boring movements, for example in the building and medical sectors, for nursing care.…
Scientists also work on a generation of soft exoskeleton suits and in time nearly everybody should be enabled to wear a power suit for a modern-day life better.
On the other hand, this new innovation also includes many drawbacks and negative points...
These exoskeletons will have to make do with an all-too-limited power supply, unless they can stay tethered to electrical cables in factories or at worksites.
But any need for power cables runs counter to technology’s fundamental long-term aim: enhanced individual mobility for anyone, anywhere.
In the same way, science faces real financial complications because the cost of these exoskeletons remains too high and is still in the prototype state. So this does not allow all persons with reduced mobility to have access to this innovation.
In many respects this example shows that science and advance change our lives and allow us to have a better life. But this event make us become aware this evolution really depends only on ourselves and what we will do with what we are struggling to build today. Indeed, the possession of these exoskeletons in the armies of countries with the means to possess them would lead to great inequalities between the countries during wars for example...