Idea of progress: To what extend have scientific breakthroughs served humanity?
Fiche : Idea of progress: To what extend have scientific breakthroughs served humanity?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar marissesmn • 17 Avril 2018 • Fiche • 521 Mots (3 Pages) • 773 Vues
Idea of progress
Over the last two years we have studied 4 notions combined with various domains. The notion I have just picked out is “idea of progress”. I will deal with that notion while crossing it with science, computer, history, ethic and humanities.
The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of science, of art, of technology, of liberty and quality of life. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily embraced by all as it may shake up deep-rooted highly respected conventions and beliefs.
Among the various issues we tackled last year there is the following one I would like to analyze: To what extend have scientific breakthroughs served humanity?
In order to be concise and have a thorough vision I will focus on computer technology, then I will analyze nanotechnology and finally I am going to study biodome technology.
At first, we can define computer science as technologic information related to artificial intelligence. This technology is helping the improvement of people’s lives and working conditions. Nowadays people have been ubicomputing as they can surf on the net instantly. As an example, smartphones are now worldwide known and used. Its consumption is constantly increasing. Doc: Steve job’s computer
→Moreover, this top-of-the-range product is a high advance for medicine, in fact doctors have plenty of apps on their phones to check and identify the side effects of medicine. Furthermore, it helps doctors examining patient’s background check.
Doc: Smart revolution
Therefore, it is a gain of money, of time and of lives
However, there are some drawbacks, as continuing connection, addiction, laziness and a lack of face-to-face contact.
Now let’s focus on nanotechnology
It’s the study and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology and medicine.
In the 21th century Nanotechnology has been skyrocketing
It is quite often used in medicine for example chip transplant
But also for diseases such as Fanconi Anemia: stem cells from the umbilical cord transplanted from a medicine baby.
Thanks to nanotechnology woman et man who were not able to give life because of their infertility, can now have children. It is possible to take one ovum from the women and one spermatozoids from the men and introduce it in another women womb.
However, it is a custom that is calling into question. This custom is not allowed in all the countries and cost a lot.
Biodome technology:
There is a tropical biodome in the uk. It aims at preserving the environment nature wildlife and fauna. Inside there is an African climate: dry, rainforest. It was designed by scientists who wanted to preserve the planet and endanger species.
We can see that technology is one giant leap for mankind, it permits to save lives to create new jobs, to communicate faster and more often.
But there is an ethic problem such as renting a womb. Humankind doesn’t take environment issues as a problem for them (biodome) and sometimes they don’t know where a life start! Does the fetus have a conscience and can feel the pain?