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Idee of progress Anglais Bac 2019 ES

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Par   •  6 Mars 2020  •  Fiche  •  444 Mots (2 Pages)  •  398 Vues

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Speaking exam

Terminales : expression orale

Guidelines for your speech (outils)

1. Introduction

For me the notion, spaces and exchanges encompasses the majority of activities concerning a movement, whether human, of goods or even non-physical. With the advance of new technology, exchanges have undergone a great evolution. The flows are the main inability, whether human or commodity. This notion can refer to freedom of expression, to historical places or even to possession. In my development, I will talk about these themes but also about other themes that I discovered thanks to this notion. All this can lead us to this problem: How our behavior changes in function of places and situation?

2 Pour introduire l’idée N° 1 et les documents étudiés :

---New technologies, social media and their different faces---

-The effect of the series "Chernobyl" and tourism generated

-A debate created because of a breastfeeding published on facebook

-Flash mobs created due to social media

New technology, such as social networks, is causing problems but can also help a population to develop mainly through tourism.

3 Pour introduire l’idée N° 2 et les documents étudiés :

---Cultur shock impact with exchanges---

-Culture appropriation(Hair or African style)

-Tension between the border of Mexican and America

Here, the mixture of culture is not applied to everyone, this kind of problem can happen in fashion as on a plot of land.

4 Pour introduire l’idée N° 3 et les documents étudiés :

---Inequalities in the same place---

-Living places destroyed for Olympics games like in Russia or Rio

-More and more flash lootings

The same land can be requested by several people at the same time, which can lead to conflicts.

5 Pour introduire l’idée N° 3 et les documents étudiés :

---Human flows and the backward---

-The number of tourist continue to grow thanks to culture sometimes(Tchernobyl)

-Migratory waves coming from all around the world due to climate change or politics problems

-All the problems are passed on to migrants.

Human flaws are often accompanied by problems that can cause tension.


To conclude, our vision of exchanges as well as exchanges has


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