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Idea of progress

Discours : Idea of progress. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Mars 2019  •  Discours  •  706 Mots (3 Pages)  •  535 Vues

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The idea of progress is the idea that advances in technology science and social organization can bring about positive change to our society. Those advances help to improve our daily lives and give us a better quality of life. There are many kinds of progress and they can be divided in the diverse areas. Technological, scientific, social and economic. Today I will focus on social and economic progress through the example of New Zealand because the land of the long white cloud is said to be the new land of happiness. My presentation will try to answer the following question: In what ways can New Zealand be considered as an example of social and economic progress. To do so I will 1st focus on the reason why Kiwis are happy. This will lead me to show that New Zealand is welcoming a land which will enable me to explain why New Zealand is a magnet for people coming from all around the world.

First at all Kiwis need to be happy to give a positive view of their country. Indeed, a lot of studies were made about the social progress in New Zealand. They could conclude that New Zealand is the most liveable nation in the world. By the way they have great living conditions they have a wonderful place to work and grow up they have such amazing landscapes and also really natural places like lakes and that makes them being relax. They also have healthy people because their environment is really natural and they can go running in the forest or in wildest spaces. They also have safe environments. A ranking shown us that they have a low crime rate. They have no political issues. Everyone is feeling good even children who have the chance to have a good school education and that makes also parents being confident and happy. And one of the most important things is that people have the sense of community. They are open minded people and really helpful that's why tourists want to come and discover this welcoming land. Then NZ attracts a lot of people from all around the world and especially a lot of tourist indeed New Zealanders have a beautiful environment is the most natural landscape we can see in the world. There are mountains and natural parks with a luxurious nature, wonderful waterfalls and a lot of other natural jewels which make New Zealand being unique. There are so many activities that they can do like hiking.

However, mountains are not the only natural thing. There are also sandy beaches on this small island. This blue see promotes this island and this kindness of people. They could relax in wild open space or next to the sea. It wants to show us a relax attitude of their country and their simplicity. But that doesn't only attract tourists and increased the economy at all. There are other reasons to come in New Zealand and also different type of person. Moreover, NZ attracted different kind of people. It can be workers, expatriates or even students. All of those people are coming with good reason. Indeed, the first nation who settled down to this land are the Maoris, 1000 years ago. But as we can see now a days Kiwis are coming from all around the world. This population are really open minded so they are welcoming every person with their own culture and their own mind. That's what makes New Zealand being a multicultural nation. With that mind, expatriates feel much better to come because they know where they are going. The workers are attracting by the easy access to job. There is a lot of jobs offer and also good


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