The idea of Progress
Étude de cas : The idea of Progress. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Bakbak • 16 Mai 2013 • Étude de cas • 1 415 Mots (6 Pages) • 1 617 Vues
The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of arts, science, technology, liberty and quality of life and has shaped most of Western civilization’s vision of history. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily embraced by all, as it may shake up deep rooted, highly respected conventions and beliefs. The progress of our civilization is visible on a lot of area, so I will explain the different type of progress and their future advances then I will make a criticize of this advance by raising the negative’s aspects and the positive’s aspects of the actual progress:
In the first place, the most striking advance is that which makes our world, an automated world. We live in a technology-driven world, Robots and computers have transformed the way we live and work. They often save men doing stultifying chores. Today, technological and electronic know-how is on a huge rising. The robots are more and more perfect and sharp. The robot curiosity, which are exploring Mars to may reveal secret of the red planet, is a jewel of technology. Its robotic equipment cost 2.5$bn, it’s the most sophisticated robot in the world, its research consist in the fact of the evidence of life on the red planet. For that it equipped with a battery of instruments like lasers to zap rocks, neutron beams to analyze soil and drills to break up samples, and a good computer programming to send its paces to the NASA. The mars rover is a prodigy of conception, because it needs to support the hardy climate condition of mars. Curiosity possesses a mini-lab to make the information processing itself. The project Curiosity is a perpetuation of the space conquest which is start during the cold war with the first launch of a robotics satellite or with the mythic first step on the moon. The projects Curiosity isn’t over, the exploration of mars by the rovers was actually the first act of this project. The scientists want to organize a Journey on mars to collect samples. But this journey is not still possible. The searcher ideally wants that geologists’ astronauts are sent on the spot, but more reasonably in the short term by robotics means. The complexity becomes famous for the large number of stages to be made a success without failing. First, they have to send a rover on mar to pick up the samples and to put them in a space rocket which goes in the orbit of mars to be picked up by a shuttle of return. For that they need money, and the technical know-how for build a futuristic system. The example of Curiosity show that the robotic industry are increasing, and robotic’s innovations are sky rocket, as well in rovers like curiosity or in the automation of factory or still in the personal or domestic robots. This evolution has an impact on our every day’s life, we living in a world of technologies, with our phones, computer or TV. The most blatant example of this evolution of our life is the history of the firm Apple which have succeed to implant its products and to adapt the people to modern technology, building computer addict, nerd. They have built the computer age.
At the beginning of 1984, the general public discovers the first model of Macintosh. It is still to Steve Jobs that we owe this beautiful commercial success. Its innovating design, its compactness, its high-quality graphic screen, its simplicity of use and its mouse revolutionize the use of the computer. The success is immediate and continues since then. This appearance of new technologies conditioned