- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Monde du Travail

32 142 Monde du Travail dissertations gratuites 31 141 - 31 155

  • The Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe

    The Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe

    The Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe 1. There are many causes for the Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe : * The political situation and struggle for independence during the 70’s. All the farming land were taken from the white community and distributed to the black community. * Zimbabwe had a budget deficit, then the

    257 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The idea of progess : What are the impacts of global warming ?

    The idea of progess : What are the impacts of global warming ?

    IDEA OF PROGRESS Introduction:Définition: I will introduce you the definition of “Idea of progress”. The idea of progress in an advance, a development or a change in the society in different sectors: scientific, technologic,social… Problematic:What are the impact of global warming ? Announcement of the plan: For the first/second

    1 380 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The impact of financial literacy on SME performance

    The impact of financial literacy on SME performance

    THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL LITERACY ON SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE PERFORMANCE. INTRODUCTION Both in emerging and developed economies, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) remain to be the main engine that drives economic growth and job creation (Locke, 2012). As a result, SMEs are viewed as an integral part of the

    2 774 Mots / 12 Pages
  • The Impact of the construction of the Franco-British border in Calais on the migration issue

    The Impact of the construction of the Franco-British border in Calais on the migration issue

    Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology Faculty of Social Science University of Vienna The Impact of the construction of the Franco-British border in Calais on the migration issue Research Proposal Josephine Le Vernoy Matrikelnummer : 11914916 Supervisor: Katrin Kremmel 19 / 02/ 2020 Abstract I go back to the premises

    3 294 Mots / 14 Pages
  • The imperial hotel

    The imperial hotel

    The Imperial Hotel Ineffective leadership and management by previous Heads of Department and supervisory staff including poor monitoring and control procedures Introduction The Imperial Hotel is a 500-bedroom hotel that is part of the Star Hotels in London, which is a 4-star market hotel and considered to be a well-known

    2 835 Mots / 12 Pages
  • The Importance Of Creating A Successful Corporate Identity And Corporate Image For Enterprises In Marketing Management

    The Importance Of Creating A Successful Corporate Identity And Corporate Image For Enterprises In Marketing Management

    This article show about how it is important to considerate corporate management and corporate identity which are both lead but different. Along this article marketing management is shown as a big part of successful of a business. It’s how you can attract more and more people to buy or follow

    364 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Importance of Mission and Vision Statement

    The Importance of Mission and Vision Statement

    The importance of Vision and Mission - If an organization cannot define it's "reason for existing (Mission) or "where it is going" (Vision), how can it align the resources towards a successful future? It defines the character of an organization and allows it to differentiate itself form competitors by answering

    275 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The internationalization of Marks & Spencer

    The internationalization of Marks & Spencer

    This case study describes the internationalization of Marks & Spencer (M&S), a giant British retailer. In recent years, the company has suffered a series of misfortunes, both at home (Britain) and abroad. Company sales have dropped, stock prices and market capitalization were substantially reduced, and overseas profits have declined. In

    342 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Kooples

    The Kooples

    En 2008, The Kooples fait le buzz6 et se fait connaître avant même l'ouverture de ses premières boutiques6. Pendant l'été, la marque lance une campagne de pub, mettant en scène des couples dans un univers sombre et rock'n'roll18. Tous les couples sont représentés : hétérosexuels, homosexuels, jeunes, vieux6… Sur les

    368 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Kooples Étude

    The Kooples Étude

    Sujet d’étude : Comment la gestion d’une organisation contribue-t- elle à la création de différentes formes de valeur ? Tableau caractéristique de The Kooples Nom : The Kooples Nationalité : Française Date de création : 1er septembre 2008 Type d’organisation : Entreprise Statut juridique : Société par actions simplifiée (SAS)

    2 679 Mots / 11 Pages
  • The L'Occitane factory

    The L'Occitane factory

    It started with one man peddling lavender and rosemary oil at local markets -- now it's a business valued at $4.8 billion. The L'Occitane factory remains at the heart of Provence, surrounded by fields of lavender, almond and olive trees; the natural ingredients that have made this business a global

    572 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The learning portfolio, World’s Most Valuable Brands

    The learning portfolio, World’s Most Valuable Brands

    26/05/2016 /Users/Yves/Desktop/Logo HEIG-VD_CMJN 9,6x20_4L.pdf Jour de la Saint-Patrick 2016 The learning portfolio #3 World’s Most Valuable Brands Subject: Brand Class: HE12 Student: Romain Schmid Professor: Vincent Vandersluis Date: 26.05.16 ________________ Table of contents Introduction 3 Learning objectives 3 Reading 3 Listening 4 Vocabulary 4 Reading Log 5 Google leapfrogs Apple

    4 605 Mots / 19 Pages
  • The link between the style of leadership and the organisational culture

    The link between the style of leadership and the organisational culture

    The link between the style of leadership and the organisational culture - The link between the style of leadership and the organisational culture ERASMUS Student 2007 words Introduction to Management and Organisation A – Introduction An organisation's culture and leadership are two of the most important factors in building, controlling

    2 188 Mots / 9 Pages
  • The London Stock Exchange

    The London Stock Exchange

    The London Stock Exchange is one of the world’s oldest stock exchanges and can trace its history back more than 300 years. Starting life in the coffee houses of 17th century London, the Exchange quickly grew to become the City’s most important financial institution. Over the centuries following, the Exchange

    414 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Management

    The Management

    Question n°1 : Quel est le métier du groupe Bénéteau ? Identifiez ses différents domaines d’activité. Le groupe Bénéteau fabrique et vend des produits de loisirs (bateaux, résidences mobiles de loisirs et autres activités). Le tout avec des compétences et un savoir faire jamais inégalé ce qui ont fait un

    296 Mots / 2 Pages
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