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Textez bac 6 2015
Dimitri MERE Commentaire Texte Bac 6 1S1 Note : Observations : Au 19eme siècle, le courant naturaliste s'amplifie avec les romans de Flaubert. Celui-ci qui est né en 1821, a écrit de nombreuses œuvres plutôt naturalistes dont Madame Bovary, l'éducation Sentimentale ou encore Salammbô qui sont devenues très célèbres. Il
1 589 Mots / 7 Pages -
Textos historia
REVISIÓN DE TEXTO Querida desconocida, Se que nunca recibirás esta carta, puesto que si la tuya me ha llegado será porque has fallecido. Cuando me entregaron la carta, pensé en dejarla, guardarla en un cajón y no leerla pero me entró la curiosidad por saber lo que ponía y sobre
668 Mots / 3 Pages -
Textos noción de progreso
En los textos que abordamos en la unidad numero 1 en lo que se refiere a la noción de progreso pudimos ver como los gobiernos preocupados por el desarrollo desmedido de las ciudades buscan soluciones y realizan proyectos urbanos que pueden aportar bienestar a los habitantes, facilidad de desplazamiento con
1 040 Mots / 5 Pages -
TFE Français : Présentation d'un auteur francophone du XX ème siècle
Collège Sainte Marie Virginie 2013-2014 Thomas TFE Français : Présentation d'un auteur francophone du XX ème siècle Albert Camus Table des Matières 1. Introduction 2. Biographie 3. Philosophie - Une question, l'absurde -Une réponse, la révolte 1. Le journaliste engagé 2. Le théâtre 3. Conclusion 4. Bibliographie et sitographie 1.
2 518 Mots / 11 Pages -
TFE: Implatation de shinwi à Roubaix
chEPHEC Commerce extérieur 2014-2015 Document 1 Définition de mon projet de TFE Document dactylographié à transmettre par voie électronique, sous format Word, à votre superviseur TFE pour approbation par la commission TFE CONSULT. Nom Prénom Classe Étudiant Di-Vittorio Mario 3XD1 Étudiant El Amine Hamza 3XC1 Coordonnées de l’organisation-partenaire du TFE
2 387 Mots / 10 Pages -
Th new Americans
THE NEW AMERICANS: On this document we can see one picture and one painting by two different artists showing two types of Americans in two different periods. The painting was created by Grant Wood in 1930 and it is entitled “American Gothic” and the picture was taken by Santiago Forero
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Thales of Miletus
Thales of Miletus Thales of Miletus Introduction: Thales of Miletus was born around 625 BC and died 78 years later. He was a Greek astronomer, mathematician and philosopher according to some historians, he would have been a political figure. I lived in Miletus, in actual Turkey. t is difficult to
1 282 Mots / 6 Pages -
Introduction : How important is the Thanksgiving The United States ? What is the Thanksgiving ? The Thanksgiving is a Party Celebrated to United States The fourth Thursday in November is the Equivalent of the Party Thanksgiving in Canada which takes place in October. Historical: Historically Thanksgiving was a day
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Thanksgiving The Pilgrim Fathers went to America to find religious freedoom. They sailed from Plymouth in England on September 16, 1620. Their ship was called the Mayflower. They landed at Plymouth Rock, near Boston, on December 26, 1620. They celebrated the first Thanksgiving in 121. The first winter had been
296 Mots / 2 Pages -
The "monkeygate"
English The news : The « monkeygate » is the latest scandal that is hitting WV, BMW, damler. The firms paid 25 studens (and monkeys) to inhale exhaustion gazes to check upon their impact on health. It is not illegal but it immoral. Le "monkeygate" est le dernier scandale qui
268 Mots / 2 Pages -
The 1990s
Lucas U.S History Daumas 1990s Situation The 1990s was considered as a decade of relative peace and prosperity because of the fall of the Soviet Union, ending the decades-long Cold War, and the rise of the Internet in a radical new era of communication, business and entertainment. Even though, people
1 346 Mots / 6 Pages -
The 2000-2001 financial crisis in Turkey
Juan Sánchez Martín (C1) REPORT : A BRIEF TRAVEL GUIDE TO BOLOGNA It is common knowledge that Italy is one of the most touristic countries in the world : its unparalleled cultural heritage, its worldwide famous gastronomy and the genuine temper of their inhabitants make this country undoubtedly attractive for
447 Mots / 2 Pages -
The 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission...
The 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission… Today, the first step on March and the colonization of the red planet are in everyone's minds. In fact, man always wants to go further, discover and colonize more too. However, technological and scientific limits hinder man's willingness to explore the universe
1 334 Mots / 6 Pages -
The 7 years war
INTRO This is the European conflict between 1756 and 1763 between England and Prussia against France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Spain, and German princes. ORIGIN OF THE CONFLICT The Franco-British confrontation over the constitution of a colonial empire in India and America, the desire of Maria Theresa to retake Silesia from
400 Mots / 2 Pages -
The 90's
Technologie In the 90 the first cellular phone appeared in the daily life of people It was only the beginning of one of the most important invention in the word With this type of phone you weren’t able to for example play games , surf on internet use the social
439 Mots / 2 Pages