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The Amish community

Dissertation : The Amish community. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Avril 2018  •  Dissertation  •  323 Mots (2 Pages)  •  868 Vues

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The Amish community

  Presentation :

Amish are an anabaptist religious community, based in 1693 in Alsace by Jakob Amman.

Today, they are present especially in North America, living in a simple way and away from the modern society. These people live without modern technologies, so we can say that they live in a old-time.


 We are going to speak about the education of Amish

Because of the tensions between the system of the public schools and Amish, the permission to Amish to organize their own education until fourteen years was accepted in 1972.

Despite of religion isn't taught in the school, in 1972 the Amish right to religious liberty in the school is accepted.

Then this community is independent from the government.

Students, who are called scholars, walk or take a horse & buggy to school from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Each school has between 25 to 35 scholars, and they are all in the same room.

The fact of having an only class favors the mutual help : Older scholars help younger scholars learn, because the main spirit of plain schools is Cooperation.

These children learn to be independent, they bring their own lunch, scholars and the teacher keep the school clean :It is the children who clean the class; so they learn to respect their working tool and to maintain a place in good condition.

This people live in a old-time.

The school years usually starts around the first September and ends the first May.  There is school on Thanksgiving, Christmas, so they are done quicker to help on the farm.

Also, scholars usually don't receive homework because of the chores they have to do at home.

These people live without modern technologies :

Drinking water is hand pumped, Outhouses serve as toilets, and mainly lanterns provide light. (there is no more electricity)

Finally, at the age of fourteen, the young people leave the school, and they help in house work or begin to work outside.


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