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UUPOST : The Global Communication Service Provider

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Par   •  21 Mai 2012  •  409 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 155 Vues

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UUPOST: The Global Communication Service Provider

UUPOST’s ‘device agnostic’ Cloud communications platform enables clients -

large retail chains, global brands, social networks and money transfer

companies - to package ‘generic’ communication applications into premium

‘branded’ communication suites offering consumers a complete suite of high

quality, steeply discounted and PREPAID communications services.

Clients become VIRTUAL NETWORK OPERATORS (VNO) offering scalable, ubiquitous

communications services including address book management telephony,

messaging, SMS, Email, Private Messages, news, content and, payment

gateways. In so doing, clients gain access to the massive and rapidly

expanding consumer voice and data market. It’s simple… clients sell branded

PREPAID accounts to consumers who recharge with cards, coupons or tickets

and UUPOST does the rest.

UUPOST: The Global Communication Service Provider

UUPOST’s ‘device agnostic’ Cloud communications platform enables clients -

large retail chains, global brands, social networks and money transfer

companies - to package ‘generic’ communication applications into premium

‘branded’ communication suites offering consumers a complete suite of high

quality, steeply discounted and PREPAID communications services.

Clients become VIRTUAL NETWORK OPERATORS (VNO) offering scalable, ubiquitous

communications services including address book management telephony,

messaging, SMS, Email, Private Messages, news, content and, payment

gateways. In so doing, clients gain access to the massive and rapidly

expanding consumer voice and data market. It’s simple… clients sell branded

PREPAID accounts to consumers who recharge with cards, coupons or tickets

and UUPOST does the rest.

UUPOST: The Global Communication Service Provider

UUPOST’s ‘device agnostic’ Cloud communications platform enables clients -

large retail chains, global brands, social networks and money transfer

companies - to package ‘generic’ communication applications into premium

‘branded’ communication suites offering consumers a complete suite of high


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