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43 510 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 40 681 - 40 695
The american dream
AMERICAN DREAM The American dream is the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual. Someone who manages to achieve their version of the American dream is said to be « living the dream » Furthermore, the origin of the American dream comes
637 Mots / 3 Pages -
The American Dream
The American dream is about people dreaming of success through hard work to pursue happiness or a better life with financial wealth. This expression has been used for centuries and is still used today but the society is changing and the American dream is no longer, what it used to
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The American Dream
SPACES AND EXCHANGES An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. Nowadays these exchanges can take several forms. They can be economic like an exchange of good or trading across borders. They can be cultural like an exchange of idea, information or education.
1 190 Mots / 5 Pages -
The American Dream truly turned the US into a space of unity and exchange?
The US is a nation defined by immigration as it is composed of colonies and the first Americans were in fact British colonists. We call the nation a “melting pot” because of many cultures and ethnicities are represented. Nevertheless, has the American Dream truly turned the US into a space
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The American Dream with a picture
The American Dream My definition of the American dream is that every person living in the United States can have a beautiful and happy life through her work and determination. I think that the American Dream is also a synonym of freedom and wealth. In America, someone who manages to
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The American Gun Violence
Brouillard Naomi TS1 The American Gun Violence In this essay we are going to deal with the american gun violence. It is related to the notion of Places and Forms of Power. Here the power means the influence of a person or a group of person over other persons. We
1 126 Mots / 5 Pages -
The American system
English Homework The American system of government is more democratic than the French. Do you agree with this statement? Every year, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) provides an index that measures the state and the level of democracy in the world. In 2015, the United States were ranked 20th, with
914 Mots / 4 Pages -
The Amish
∙Lina bryaj Listen to the audio about the Amish and then complete the items: 1. Pronunciation: The Amish is pronounced ❒ /heimiꭍ/ like hey ❒ /a:miꭍ / like in arm ❒ /æmiꭍ / like in cat 2. Number of people speaking and age group : there are one teenage boy
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The Amish - identities and exchanges
The Amish - Identities and exchanges 3 et 4 Today I will present to you two pictures I find relevant to discuss identities and exchanges. I would define identity as something specific to each person or each group of people. So every group and person has a single identity. Your
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The Amish community
The Amish community Presentation : Amish are an anabaptist religious community, based in 1693 in Alsace by Jakob Amman. Today, they are present especially in North America, living in a simple way and away from the modern society. These people live without modern technologies, so we can say that they
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The ancestry groups in america
The ancestry groups in America: This map represents the largest ancestry groups in America. The dark lines are the States and the small boxes inside the States are the counties. Before he gets started, Mark underlines that origins depicted by colours aren’t the only ones but just the most represented
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The arrival in power of a third party in the United States
Presentation: The BBC website predicts the arrival in power of a third party in the United States by 2024 and the events of January 6, with the intrusion of Trump supporters in the Capitol, have rekindled talk of the emergence of a third party in the American political landscape. The
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The association Vision of the world
Officialized by United Nations in 1977, the Women's day finds its origin in the fights of the workers at the beginning of the 20th century, for better working conditions and the voting right. Traditionnally groups and associations prepare manifestations to wish victories , to improve the women’s rights. Some countries
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The Australian Aborigines
1 ;The Australian Aborigines form together with the Bushmen and pygmies one of the oldest human race. They are one of the first human groups to have moved out of Africa perhaps 60,000 years ago. This group formed a race later known as Black Asians. 12,000 years ago, they were
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The Author in his Century
The Author in his Century Some writers don’t hesitate to criticise their own society through their work by expressing their way of thinking under ther form of a ‘parody’ or a simple citicism. But many books also reveal their century, firstly through the language and the lexis, and also by
821 Mots / 4 Pages