- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

The Bridge School, Bratislava

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The Bridge School, Bratislava

Teacher :bor

Lesson plan , date : 18th / 01

Class level:  intermediate / Upper- intermediate

Lesson duration: 30 minutes

Vocab. Listening and speaking

Global warming  


Practice speaking / describing a TV show intro.

Practice vocab. Related Global warming

Practice talking about Global warming prevention.

Practice listening  to people talking about global warming prevention.

Grammar revision: Compound nouns

T greets the SS. T asks the SS about their names and then plays VIDEO 01: an intro to the TV show “the amazing race”. T asks the SS to describe the video eliciting different vocab: TV show, competition, contestants, around the world, the globe, landmarks, and continents.

T asks the SS about the difference between the various locations eliciting different vocab.: language, traditions, climate…

T asks the SS, for example,  about the difference between Egypt and Russia or North Canada,  eliciting expressions like: cold, freezing, hot, the desert

T asks what if in those location the weather would be different: hot instead of cold, cold instead of warm. T elicits the expressions: pollution, global warming.  

T elicits different vocab. Related to the task 01:  fossil fuels, carbon dioxide, climate change,  renewable energy, solar power,  endangered species, … wind turbines,…

Task 1 matching and forming compound nouns.

Task 2 Complete the text

Before the Task 03 / listening: Open class feedback regarding the text, T asks the SS how we can prevent / reduce the Global warming. T elicits Different vocab.:  Green energy, recycling, reduce waste, plant trees, ….

Task 3 Listening  

Teacher :bor

Lesson plan , date : 11th / 11

Class: solutions intermediate

Vocab. Listening and speaking

Culture / fast food addicts.


Practice vocab. Related to food.

Discussion / debate about the fast food industry.

Practice listening to teens describing and talking about diet.

Talking about healthy diet / food.

T greets the SS. Homework check.

T shows 2 pictures: one of a fruit basket and the other of a burger, T asks the SS what they think about? T elicits different vocab. Related to food: healthy food, junk food, obesity, sports, workout, calories, healthy and bad fats, micro nutrients, protein, carbs, overweight and the word addicted.

T in an open class discussion asks the SS about their opinion about the fast food industry.

T asks the SS to open their books on P 36,

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4


Task 6

Task 7

Task 8 speaking

Task 9 speaking


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