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The causes of young girls dropping out of school

Étude de cas : The causes of young girls dropping out of school. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Février 2020  •  Étude de cas  •  1 682 Mots (7 Pages)  •  708 Vues

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wack ngouna  high school                                                              scool year : 2019/2020[pic 1]

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                                 Classe: Première L'L2A

developed by:

Fatou fall

Amy fall

Arame Diouf

Khoredia Khouma

Ramata Cissé

Khadim Khouma



  1. The causes of young girls dropping out of school
  1.   External causes of the school environment
  2.    internal causes of the school environment
  1. The consequences of dropping out of school for girls
  2. solutions to combat school dropout of girls



  The issue of dropping out of school is a constant topic both in the European and American countries, known as the North, than in African countries.While there is a great deal of concern in the North about the extent of girls dropping out of school, situation is much worse in the developing countries of the South, and in particular in the African continent. The phenomenon of school drop-out further reinforces the effects of children, especially young girls, are not in school. In this context, the theme of school drop-out joins inevitably the theme of access to primary education, first and foremost, and the access to education and training, then.Girls have the same rights to education as boys. It is up to the state to guarantee this right. Beyond its individual added value, girls' education is a relevant investment because it improves living conditions, health, democratic participation and opportunities for future generations. While there is an urgent need to invest in education, in particular girls, there is also an urgent need to identify and combat the causes that drive them to drop out of school. To better elucidate our study on the abandonment of young girls, we will try first to show the causes of this phenomenon(I); then the consequences (II) and finally the solutions (III).


I.)       The causes of young girls dropping out of school

Economic, socio-cultural, institutional and sometimes even political, the reasons why push students to leave school for good in the South are Various. While learning difficulties are most often mentioned in the North, lack of motivation, social problems, poor orientation or lack of support, in the countries of the South, social realities must be dealt with even more complex and not always conducive to schooling.Alongside the causes of early school drop-out , it is necessary to broaden the issue to include early school withdrawal or even non-schooling.

  1. External causes of the school environment

 armed conflicts; insecurity at school and on the way to school (violence perpetrated by teachers, classmates; attacks and rapes; recruitment of the armed forces...) ;the economic difficulties of families (direct and indirect costs such as costs school-related issues, such as supplies, uniforms and transportation, including countries where primary education is free) that contribute to the drop-out school, child labour, early marriages of girls in Particular. This low economic power is pushing parents to focus on schooling of some of their children, usually boys, to the detriment of girls; the immediate usefulness of a girl in the home, her worth as a wife, her contribution to housework or other work that can be considered more valuable than an uncertain return on an investment in its investment. Education.Moreover, on customary rules, in Africa the future of a girl is the household.this ideology pushes most parents to withdraw their daughters from school .

2.)  Internal causes of the school environment

the mismatch between the school environment and the needs of children;the lack of schools, the lack of teachers, unqualified teachers, trained, low-paid or unpaid;the low quality of education (lack of relevance to short-term needs) children's medium term; inadequate language of instruction...)All these reasons push students towards a gradual and definitive exit from the system before graduation, or even before learning the basics of schooling, reading or reading .

     II.) Thé conséquences of dropping out of school for girls

The social consequences of dropping out of school are considerable: dropouts feed the already far too high number severing number of girls who are out of the bounds and without a prospect of employment and a future. Early school dropout is a major significant concern as it is a major factor in future social exclusion. The economic consequences are not less: the costs of multiple remediation and reintegration, health and social protection costs, the cost of social care delinquency of girls in disrepair. Tackling "early exits" therefore means that a major challenge and issue of social cohesion.For example, forecasts of future needs in terms of skills suggest that in the future, no more than one in ten jobs will be available of a person who dropped out of school early. Young people in a drop-out situation are likely to have a meagre salary or are unemployed, unemployed or alternative income. Lack of education is also the cause of a lack of economic and social growth, to the extent that the wage bill is reduced, the economic growth is lower, tax revenues are lower and public services, which are less well-resourced, have to bear a greater burden in the areas of health care, criminal justice and social benefits.Early school dropout has considerable financial implications, generating significant significant social and economic costs for both individuals and society. Of the studies have estimated the cost of dropping out of school by one to two million euros per person leaving the school system prematurely, a sum calculated for the entirety of the Career.For example, a country with high rates of early school dropout will experience difficulties in maintaining high levels of employment and social cohesion. Africa, for example, faced with a high drop-out rate for early girls, will struggle to to find its place in the global market and will be held back in its implementation of growth smart, sustainable and inclusive.It is therefore hardly surprising that early school dropout set-ups for girls is seen as a africa, Senegal, or anywhere else in the world.


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