The benefits hidden behind failure
Dissertation : The benefits hidden behind failure. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar inconnito2.0 • 23 Novembre 2020 • Dissertation • 553 Mots (3 Pages) • 418 Vues
Every Reasonable human being and each of us have already had to face doubt. Yet we have to ask ourselves if every time we doubted, it automatically led us to failure. Doubt represents hesitation, confusion, when one does not know, it is the suspension of judgment. Hence there are two analyzes of doubt. The doubt of the skeptics, and the methodical doubt.
Failure here leads to questioning, but failure is not necessarily final. It is final for the skeptics.
All of these reflections lead us to pose a problem which is as follows: “Does doubt prevent reason from developing?” First of all, to answer this question, we will evoke the thesis of the skeptics which leads to saying that doubt is a failure of reason. Then secondly, with the example of Kant, we will develop the idea that doubt is not a failure of reason. And thirdly, beyond this opposition, we will show that doubt is a formator of thought.
The more companies orient their strategy on the cult of performance, perfectionism, zero defects, the more employees are afraid of failure and the less they learn from their mistakes.
We can cite many examples that illustrate how difficult it is to accept to be vulnerable, even when our internal security and our life balance are threatened. And yet, it is undoubtedly at the very heart of these moments that we must dare to "retreat" from ourselves and others to begin to see all the opportunities for change that our failures offer us.
Isn't that already a failure to do more of the same thing that doesn't work and think we can change our situation? We do not have the capacity to change what has happened. But we can have the ambition to change ourselves or at least, to change the way we look at the way we operate. This spirit of openness is a courageous and positive decision that we can anchor by repeating to ourselves, especially when confidence leaves us, the following sentences:
I'm capable.
I can do it.
I have the resources to be successful.
At present this notion of the truth is not sufficient. The fact of saying that doubt is not a failure, because it is a formator of thought for man because this doubt makes it possible to go further in the reflection. Indeed, the value is not given but constructed for man.
Man must constantly question himself, he is in a way seeking wisdom, it is "know yourself". It is tolerance.
This notion is linked, moreover, to the human person, because man is not perfect, he has doubts within him that he must resolve on his own. It is part of everyone's personality. Doubt is not a negative point, since it helps to shape thought.
As much as we can learn from our failures, our successes are a tremendous source of learning. Daring to learn from our successes often allows us to reappropriate strategies that work and that can be very useful to us when we stumble. We have a “success box”. It is of infinite richness as it incorporates all the positive experiences that we have gained during our life course. Every now and then, we have to open it up to get the energy we need to move forward, to cross, and to bounce back.
To conclude, we learn through and from the mistakes