BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 76 - 90
Aide Anglais
Les modaux : (9) • SHOULD • WILL • WOULD • CAN • COULD • MAY • MIGHT • MUST • SHALL Ils sont invariables, ils sont suivis d’une base verbale • MAY => MAY NOT • MIGHT => MIGHT NOT • CAN => CAN’T ou CANNOT • COULD =>
647 Mots / 3 Pages -
Aide anglais document, les temps
I/ Le préterit ( aussi appelé le simple past) Tout d’abord, vous devez vous souvenir que le prétérit traduit de nombreux temps : le passé composé (j’ai acheté du pain ce matin), le passé simple (il partit à Paris…), l’imparfait (nous étions…). Il se compose comme suit : Sujet +
1 054 Mots / 5 Pages -
Aide au bac blanc anglais
numéro 32 BAC BLANC D’ANGLAIS COMPREHENSION Focus on document A I- a) Radha Aunty is the narrator’s aunt. b) Rajan is an engineer. c) Old Mr Nagendra went to Cambridge with the narrator’s grandfather. d) Ammachi is the narrator’s grandmother. II- a) Radha Aunty is in America at the moment.
655 Mots / 3 Pages -
Aide au compte rendu
ANGLAIS Etape du Compte rendu : Differente etape : 1 lire le texte : on degage le theme et on entoure les mots de liaison Attention toujours lire le titre 2 eme lecture : il s’agit d’analyse le texte paragraphe par paragraphe On utilise la méthode des mots etiquettes
315 Mots / 2 Pages -
Aide notions anglais terminal
The notions Space and exchanges Space is a location. A surface that is had about whereas different exchanges exist: cultural, of persons, of information, of services or still commercial. These exchanges so to be changed and they have each one different aims. We will begin with the invisible exchanges and
571 Mots / 3 Pages -
Air France et développement durable
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "air france" Introduction Throughout this presentation, we will talk about Air France. AF is a French multinational flag carrier company headquartered in Tremblay-en-France. We chose this topic because it’s a very diversified company which plays a big role in the Pollution and Sustainable Development. Moreover,
1 419 Mots / 6 Pages -
Airbus vs boeing
In this essay, I'm going to talk about Airbus and Boeing similarities and contrasts. First of all, Airbus and boeing are two multinational corporation that design and sell aircrafts worldwide. These two companies are the biggest aircraft companies in the world surpassing Embraer and Bombardier. Both companies are big and
487 Mots / 2 Pages -
Alaska's presentation
ALASKA Hi guys, I’m Brandy. I come from Alaska and I would like to present my state. THE STATE ‣ This is the biggest state of USA but it is one of the least populated. As you can see, it is on the north-west and it hasn’t frontier with our
484 Mots / 2 Pages -
Albert Camus / L'étranger Meursault
Maelyne simonin 2nd C Commentaire de texte composé Albert Camus est un écrivain, philosophe, romancier et dramaturge. Il écrit L’étranger en 1942, L’étranger aura été son premier roman. Ce roman fait face à l’absurdité car Meursault, le personnage principal, est incapable de donner un sens a sa vie. Il est
1 875 Mots / 8 Pages -
Albert Camus cas
Albert Camus est un écrivain et philosophe français, né en Algérie en 1913 et mort en 1960. Au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale, il publiera L'Etranger, oeuvre inscrite dans le cycle de l'absurde, et participera activement a la résistance. Par ailleurs son implication face à l'occupation Nazie se
255 Mots / 2 Pages -
Aldfrith est roi de Northumbrie de 685 à sa mort, le 14 décembre 704 ou 705. Fils du roi Oswiu et de la princesse irlandaise Fín, Aldfrith passe sa jeunesse en Irlande. En 685, son demi-frère aîné Ecgfrith est tué à la bataille de Nechtansmere contre les Pictes et Aldfrith
391 Mots / 2 Pages -
Alex Ferguson presentation
Alex Ferguson Introduction + Problematic : Hello, my name is Loris Yolomany i am in GSCE at Baudelaire Vocationnal School, and I will introduce you my first theme called Sir Alex Ferguson Why was he knighted by the Queen ? Let me introduce to you Alex Ferguson : 1 .
594 Mots / 3 Pages -
Alexander Graham Bell
i was always interested in sounds. My mother was deaf and my father taught deaf people. I was creative and enjoyed inventing things. I did a lot of experiments and one day, I invented the telephone. I was born in Edimburgh, Scotland. When i was a child, i liked to
266 Mots / 2 Pages -
Alexandria Occasio Cortez
Intro : Today, we are going du talk about a web article written by Gregory Krieg on February the 8th, a journalist of CNN. It is about, the Socio-democrat representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She is a member of The Congress since November 2018. So, the Congress is the legislative branch of
422 Mots / 2 Pages -
Algeria, a Maghreb country whose capital is Algiers, is the largest in terms of area. With an area of 2,381,741 km2, it is both the largest country in Africa in the Arab world and the Mediterranean basin. This country of the Maghreb is also made up of a multitude of
935 Mots / 4 Pages