Script of the final task : present a series of news reports
Résumé : Script of the final task : present a series of news reports. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lebouletpoiulet • 8 Décembre 2022 • Résumé • 811 Mots (4 Pages) • 384 Vues
Script of the final task : present a series of news reports
Journalist : Lucas
Boxer: Oihan
Napoleon: Elio
Hello dear viewers, we are broadcast live on news report. Today we are in the animal farm in England, in order to know a little more about the event which happened on this farm : the animal confessions. To understand this we will interview two main characters of this event : boxer the horse, and the leader of the animals Napoleon the pig. Let's start with you, Boxer, what happened ? And what are your emotions and your feelings about it ?
Honestly i'm shocked and scared and i don't really understand what happened. Firstly, Napoleon ordered us to assemble in the yard. Then, Napoleon uttered a high-pitched whimper, immediately the dogs bounded forward, seized four of the pigs by the ear and dragged them, to Napoleon feet . Then, three dogs tried to do the same for me. But I defended myself by hitting them with my hoofs. Then, I looked at Napoleon to know if I should kill them or not but finally I didn't kill them. To finish, a succession of confessions and crimes were committed. It was terrible.
“Thank you for sharing this opinion. Now, Napoleon, do you share the same feeling ?
No, I don’t share this feeling and this point of view, on the contrary I think it was good for life on the farm and for all the animals. In my opinion, you have to punish all the things that break the rules in order to put things in order. So I think that using power and being authoritarian has been very beneficial to improving everyone's life, without exception of course.
Your point of view is very different ? Boxer,can you explain it ?
I don't really know why. But I'm sure there was a lot of violence and crime. All the animals felt like they were in an vulnerability and fear atmosphere . We were all concerned and we were powerless, victims and spectators of this chaos because we are not really free because we were following orders.
I see, And you Napoleon can you explain this difference ?
I think the animals don’t realize the importance of the regime in place and the animals that guide it to punish animals that lie to others. The leaders try to avoid this, that is why they must be trust because if this event happened it is for the benefit of all.
I understand your opinion. Napoleon, do you think it’s a dictatorial regime ?
No, that’s not a dictatorial regime because I would likeinstaure a good atmosphere and I’m trying to etablish respect in the farm. In the real dictatorship the people are slaughtered with no reason but here the animals who are dead did unforgivable action. Then, I was elected president with democracy. There wasn’t rigging vote. After, I work as munch as other animals. To conclude, I created a real republic with equality between everyone.
Equality ?! We don’t have the same vision of equaity. The “casual” animals work lot of more than the pigs and dogs. During your rests we, we work very hard while we are hungry. It’s not a equality republic but a shame dictorship.
After this statement how do you want conclude this interview ?
Boxer, you are the loyalest partner, and you are my friend. You don’t understand my work, I want to create an harmony in the farm. To honorate the memory of Old Major. His wish is to see all the animals in peace. You are hungry ? Me too, we go without food for a better future. I’m not a dictator I want the rules respected to not have anarchy. It’s not an easy work I carry on for the Animal. Together we can accomplish many things with your strenght and my mind we can transform this farm to the biggest state of england. We can do it, Boxer my friend follow me.