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Presentation of the IUT

Fiche : Presentation of the IUT. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Janvier 2018  •  Fiche  •  370 Mots (2 Pages)  •  629 Vues

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How to get there IUT :

To come in this iut, we need to use apb.[pic 1]

For the initial formation, there is nothing to do expect wait for the selection. If you want to go in the alternance formation, you call the IUT for an interview.

Presentation of the iut


This IUT is localised in Velizy, 10-12 Avenue de l'Europe 

[pic 2]

How to get at the IUT ?

IUT of velizy is next to the mall V2, so the iut has a good served with public transport :

At 3 minutes on foot, there is a bus station, and you can found a lot of destinations

For exemple :

 - 179[pic 3]

- 390

- 40

- 42

[pic 4]

You can call this shcool with this number : 01-39-25-48-13, or you can go in the web site

In this picture, you are phones number for all  secretaries of each department. And you are the switchboard.

[pic 5]

Plan of iut :

Velizy is composed of four bulding. Different bulding for work, work and work. Bulding of tp, for practice travault with lot of equipment. 

In this bulding for tp there are differents compartment for different channels of this iut. 

To locate in this IUT, don't worry it's verry simple.

If your classroom's name starts with Amphi A or B or with a number such as 214,512,410, you will have to go at the Mermoz Bulding .

At the floor of Mermoz bulding, you found the two amphi.

To found he floor, the fist number of the classroom's name is the floor of the classroom. For example, the classroom 412 is at the fourth floor.

At first floor, you have the TP laboratories for langue lesson.

Just for 5 floor, don't panic you dont have to use the elevator. 

 Enjoy your sports a Velizy !!!

[pic 6]

How to locate your building ?

                                                        This IUT is composed of 6 building :

Garros building

Boucher building

Bastié building

Saint-Exupery building

Mermoz building

Blériot building

[pic 7][pic 8]


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