- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 136 - 150

  • Analyse Shakespeare

    Analyse Shakespeare

    The pursuit of love Stories often introduce the theme of love in weird ways. They have different varieties of love from good to bad and they generally always make the characters do things that they wouldn’t normally do if love wasn’t introduced in their story. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream

    815 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Analyse Stage Coach film en anglais (niveau Lv1)

    Analyse Stage Coach film en anglais (niveau Lv1)

    Dear cowboy or cowgirl, you must... 1.Watch a classic western (use the filmography and take your pick in the " classic westerns" or "John Ford" parts). 2.Write an essay on it to study... a) How the director uses stock characters and typical situations. (You can write a short summary of

    1 285 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Analyse SWOT Résidence Château du Mée

    Analyse SWOT Résidence Château du Mée

    In this video, we can see a man who explains us that despite the actual situation with the virus and that many people became out of work, the stock market is doing pretty well. His indicators have never been so hight. The man tries therefore to understand why. According to

    417 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Analysis : Alice, Avril Lavigne

    Analysis : Alice, Avril Lavigne

    Avril Lavigne, Alice Alice is a song written and performed by the franco-canadian signer and songwriter Avril Lavigne for Almost Alice, the soundtrack to the 2010 film Alice in Wonderland, directed by Tim Burton. When released on March the 2nd, the album was immediatly successful. The lead single Alice is

    1 327 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Analysis : Discuss the manner by which two playwrights connect the outer environment and the inner state of mind of character

    Analysis : Discuss the manner by which two playwrights connect the outer environment and the inner state of mind of character

    Prompt: Discuss the manner by which two OIB playwrights connect the outer environment and the inner state of mind of characters. Plays chosen: Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage and The Tempest by William Shakespeare The Tempest by William Shakespeare was written at the beginning of the 17th century. The play

    1 474 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Analysis of "Dissapearance of Poverty" by Rodrigo

    Analysis of "Dissapearance of Poverty" by Rodrigo

    First of all I will analyse the document, in this cartoon made by Rodrigo named Disappearance of poverty we can see how apart from each other are the population of one same place because of inequality, in this case the inequality corresponds to income or money inequality. There are men

    810 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Analysis of the sea eats the land at home

    Analysis of the sea eats the land at home

    It is a narrative poem where the sea is personified, which makes it appear more vivid. The use of the word ‘running and collecting’ makes the sea appear furtive and stealth-like accentuating it’s human-like qualities. Had the poet used the word flowing, the impact of the personification would have been

    480 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Analyzing Introductions

    Analyzing Introductions

    Analyzing Introductions: Answer the following questions for the introductions below. 1. What technique does the writer use to get the reader’s attention in the beginning of the paragraph? 2. How well do you think the technique works? Would you continue reading the article? 3. How would you describe the tone

    449 Mots / 2 Pages
  • And then there were none

    And then there were none

    Resumé chapitre 1: Mr Justice Wargrave se souvient que dans un journal il avait lu un article qu’un riche avait construit une maison. Il sortit de sa poche un bout de papier (invitation de Lady Constance Culmington). Vera était dans un train. Elle avait eu de la chance de trouver

    1 192 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Andromaque, Racine

    Andromaque, Racine

    Grâce à l’étude de la scène que nous venons d’effectuer, nous avons pu observer queCommentaire littéraire de la scène 4 acte I de la pièce Andromaque de Racine. C’est au XVIIe siècle que la tragédie classique, puisant ses origines dans l’Antiquité, inspire les dramaturges du XVIIe siècle comme Racine. Andromaque

    1 761 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Ang 4005 TN2

    Ang 4005 TN2

    Dear James, Congratulations on buying your first house! My fiancé and I are looking forward to travelling to Miami and visiting you this summer. So have you moved into your new house yet? Your wife told us that you had some renovations to finish before you move in. I am

    449 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Angela Davis

    Angela Davis

    Alessandro.P Angela Davis Eva.T 1èreL Place and date of birth: January 26th, 1944 in Birmingham, Alabama. (72 years old) Social Background: Mother → Sallye Davis, elementary school teacher, was into politics when Angela grew up. Father → Frank Davis, owner of a service station. → Two brothers (Ben & Reginald)

    399 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Angels devils and questions

    Angels devils and questions

    LLCE : femals vilains Angels devils and questions Question 1 : The title « Angel or Devil ? » is very strong because it represents a question we often ask ourselves about people. It highlights this mysterious aspect that a person can bring out. Is this person good or bad?

    1 074 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Anglais


    The following text will deal about the Rugby World Cup, as u might know at this time there is the 8th edition happening in England. And I doubt you know it but I do enjoy rugby almost as much as I enjoy a woman, that’s why I did choose this

    447 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais


    Teleworking - is it suitable for everyone? Anticiper à l’aide du titre : this video talks about telecommuting, are people who work at home. One wonders if the entire person can telecommute 1st viewing Introduce the video (type+topic) this video is an extract of a report. It will show us

    250 Mots / 1 Pages
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