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Syntèse documents LLCE

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Synthèse de Documents LLCE[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3][pic 4][pic 5][pic 6][pic 7][pic 8][pic 9][pic 10][pic 11][pic 12][pic 13]

1 :        Democracy is a system of collaborative decision-making and citizen participation. It is a form of government in which all citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.

American democracy is based on a written Constitution that provides for a separation of powers between the president (executive), the Supreme Court (judicial) and Congress (legislative => House of Representatives and Senate). Voters elect the electoral college that chooses the president; it's an indirect suffrage. Nonetheless, there is a huge division in this country, between Republicans and Democrats who don't have the same ideas ; Democrats advocating for more government programs and Republicans fighting to protect the government's spending.

        What are the limits of democracy and the solutions to remedy them?

        The different press articles, one American, another British, a poem and a cartoon show us that American democracy is vulnerable. Indeed, less and less people vote to elect their representatives reaching records (- 55% of voters in 2016), which explains the attempts to make people want to vote again, like Uncle Sam's cartoon calling for votes. The causes are multiple; barriers determined by place of residence, erroneous voters lists, ‘’voter purge’’ (Americans removed from the voter rolls), identity documents complicated to obtain and not very legal techniques used by the parties to acquire votes...

        When Donald Trump lost in 2020 against Joe Biden, there was controversy about who really won. Trump did not accept his defeat and called on his supporters to storm the Capitol, the seat of Congress, to restore what they mistakenly believed to be a stolen election. The riot was deadly, and at the inauguration of the new president, Amanda Gorman recited a powerful and committed poem addressing these events as well as the national wounds over race, faith and ideology that remain fresh despite the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. If a disgruntled candidate calls for an insurrection of this magnitude is it really democratic?

2 :        Il y  six mois, des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont convergé vers Washington, DC, de tous les coins du pays pour dénoncer ce qu’ils croyaient à tort être une élection volée. La manifestation bruyante a culminé le 6 janvier avec une émeute meurtrière au Capitole des États-Unis, une tache historique sur la démocratie américaine. Les participants trompés, qui se voyaient comme des patriotes luttant pour leur pays, ont exigé que le Congrès déclare Donald Trump vainqueur légitime de l’élection présidentielle de 2020. Le sens du but partagé par beaucoup de ceux qui étaient là – faire la guerre contre une conspiration obscure d’élites déterminées à détruire l’Amérique – a été construit sur une base de fantaisie. Le soulèvement violent a ouvert des blessures nationales au sujet des races, de la foi et de l’idéologie qui restent fraîches et, de plusieurs façons, ne semblent pas guérir.


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