BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 91 - 105
Alibaba’s Zoo Hotel
Alibaba’s Zoo Hotel A smart hotel Intelligent as it used new technologies, a prototype ; Artificial intelligence in VIP Exploit robots it’s based on facial recognition It’s keyless cardless use smart phone app QR codes Room’s have a digital assistant like google home Context : alibaba is trying new activities
386 Mots / 2 Pages -
Alice in wonderland, Tim Burton
Alice in wonderland Alice in Wonderland, is a fantasy movie by Tim Burton released in 2010. During a reception, Alice Kingsleigh, who is from now on 19 years old, is asked in marriage by Hamish Ascot, an arrogant and little attractive lord. This is when she perceives a strange white
283 Mots / 2 Pages -
Alice Wonder
SEPULVEDA KEVIN Devoir anglais n°1 26/11/18 BTS 1A COM ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Exercice 1: English Francais rank(v) classer warehouse entrepôt chore(n) corvée odd jobs petits boulots forecast(n) prévoir loan(n) emprunt savings(n) économies wholesale en gros enable(v) permettre pioneer(v) innover supply chain chaîne de distribution revamp(v) remodeler smooth(adj) sans problème RFDI tag
4 840 Mots / 20 Pages -
Alice's Adventure In Wonderland
GATARD Noëlia-Terminale L 09/11/2016 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland * Picture of the book, from the chapter five “Advice from the Caterpillar”. * Picture of the book, from the chapter seven “ Mad of Tea Party” = I am going to present the theme of The Imaginary; he has become a
1 395 Mots / 6 Pages -
Allèles et diversité dénétique
Critères pour l’exploitation des documents : → présences des 4 étapes → prise d’info (pertinent, complet, précis) → interprétation qui permet de clarifier (le rôle du rat) → conclusion répondant à la problématique 2- ALLÈLES ET DIVERSITÉ GÉNÉTIQUE Un allèle est une version donnée d’un gène. Elle permet la diversité
625 Mots / 3 Pages -
Alpha City
global city is an alpha city with an economic, ecological, political and social influence over the world. In 1950, they were 83 cities with over a million people; by 2000 they were over 400. But how do these alphas cities manage society? And how do global cities include ecology
1 037 Mots / 5 Pages -
Alternatives schools
The notion I'm going to speak about is : the idea of progress, which can be defined, as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to make the world a better place. So, in relation to this notion, my
709 Mots / 3 Pages -
Altissia reporting
ENGLISH 14/10/19 Nomophobia Vocabulary : premier paragraphe : Suffer from = souffrir de quelque chose Sharply = d’une façon tranchante, brusquement, nettement Increas = augmenter Fear = peur The fear of being= peur d’être Perdre = lost Yesterday = hier survey= etude, sondage employ= employer verbe employment= emploi Emploi un
410 Mots / 2 Pages -
Amazon - idea of progress
Amazon - Progress Idea Progress is a development to make our lives better. It covers many subjects such as the development of countries and the world, new modes of communication, technologies and innovations and even the personalities who have contributed to progress! It shows how the world has evolved over
773 Mots / 4 Pages -
Opérateurs Prestations Orange Business Service ACTUELLEMENT SFR BOX Crealiz Bouygues BOX Paritel Changement du matériel Ligne fixe (pour 8 communications) : 319.2€ HT par mois 127.5€ HT par mois 189 € HT par mois 130 € HT par mois 328.70€ HT par mois Appels illimités oui oui oui oui oui
311 Mots / 2 Pages -
America during the 20's
America in the 20's * After WW1, durieng the 20's, the USA entered a period of economic boom which made the envy of the world, this exciting time is know as the « roaring twenties » : → USA were high profits and a social revolution. → Huge numbers of
1 001 Mots / 5 Pages -
American Agriculture
Food revolution in the US : evolution and issues Recent research has found important links between poor dietary choices, toxic food environment, processed food and burdens of chronic disease. These findings serve as a propulsion for a food revolution. The Gardner nutrition studies research group, along with a diverse range
628 Mots / 3 Pages -
American Dream
I’m going to deal with the American dream. This subject falls into the notion “Myth and heroes” because the American Dream is the idea that any person living in the united states through his work, his courage and his determination can become prosperous. I’m going to answer the following question
605 Mots / 3 Pages -
American Dream
Bac Pro Anglais American Dream Introduction : A space is a land limited by borders and an exchange can be an export of object, money or people like tourism or even migration. In fact, many persons migrate to another country for political or economic reasons. It is the case for Mexican
731 Mots / 3 Pages -
American Dream
Myths and heroes are generally linked to one another: myths are popular beliefs or stories that are usually embodied by heroes, and some heroes, real or fictitious, have become mythical characters. I’ve chosen to talk about the American Dream. I’ll try to answer the following question: is the American Dream
539 Mots / 3 Pages