Fake news - A new revolutionary fuel
TD : Fake news - A new revolutionary fuel. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Sol-87 • 4 Décembre 2022 • TD • 343 Mots (2 Pages) • 297 Vues
Fake news - A new revolutionary fuel
An incredible announcement :
On Friday the 1st of April, the prestigious London research and developpement laboratory, which name is NICHE SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY LTD, unveiled his secret project, after ten years of relentless research. During a meeting, in the famous laboratory of London (UK), the manager Mike JOHNSON, announced the creation of a revolutionnary fuel. In fact, this fuel is created with fluid
chocolate. Mr JOHNSON said that it was an impressive innovation which was more ecological and less expensive and which would facilitate the life of the inhabitants of our planet !
Chocolate fuel Composition :
He declared during his meeting: "This new fuel is made of 97,3% of fair trade cocoa paste turned to liquid and 2,7% of recycled water.".
Then, Mr JONHSON promised: "It will be a revolution ! Nobody ever thought about this !" His declaration was followed by a large and long applause. He added that the cocoa paste came from different producers all around the world.
Aims of the manager :
Mr JOHNSON said it should be more sustainable and fair than the current fuels. First, the manager explained that this chocolate fuel would reduce the carbon footprint because the cocoa pods would be picked up next to the different producing factories and delivered by sailing boats everywhere in the world. Secondly, the cocoa farmers' work would be paid for its true worth. Moreover, cocoa is a renewable product so it's a very strong selling argument. His company whishes not to make a lot of profit on this new
product. Consequently, this fuel will be less expensive than the others.
Future development :
"I'm looking forward to the future” said Mike Johnson during his unbelievable speech. Indeed, the manager explained he wanted to
stop fossil fuels and replace them by green energies. Stephanie Landinoshares, president of the International Innovation Awards,
declared : "This new fuel can participate in this contest and be the winner!".