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Alice Wonder

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SEPULVEDA KEVIN                             Devoir anglais n°1                                                     26/11/18




Exercice 1:

English                                   Francais

rank(v)                                    classer

warehouse                            entrepôt

chore(n)                                corvée

odd jobs                               petits boulots

forecast(n)                           prévoir

loan(n)                                 emprunt

savings(n)                           économies

wholesale                           en gros

enable(v)                            permettre

pioneer(v)                          innover

supply chain                      chaîne de distribution

revamp(v)                         remodeler

smooth(adj)                      sans problème

RFDI tag                            étiquette éléctronique

on account of                   à cause de

praise(n)                            éloge

currently                           à présent

health coverage              assurance santé

hazard                               risques

to take steps                    prendre des mesures

brick  and mortar            en dur

committment                 engagement

standard of living            niveau de vie

afford(v)                          pouvoir se payer

minimum wage              salaire minimum

foast(n)                           fête/festin

Exercice 2:

Document 1.

1. False

"Walmart, the world’s largest corporation with its chain of warehouse and discount stores, overtook Exxon"

2. False

"where his parents moved when the farm was no longer viable."

"as a management trainee for $75 a month and worked in the company."

"thanks to a loan and personal savings[...] he bought a Ben Franklin variety store, a franchise of the Butler Brothers chain."

3. False

"However, various awards and titles such as Distinguished Eagle Scout, The Most Versatile Boy of the Year, and Permanent President of his senior class at college forecast an exceptional career"

4. False

"Thanks to such innovations, his Ben Franklin store tripled the bottom line in three years"

5. True

"The reason we built all our own logistics and a system is because we are in the middle of nowhere”

6. True

"Walmart required its suppliers to attach RFID tags to all pallets and packages shipped to its stores, so that goods could be tracked."

7. False

"In 1972, Walmart became a public corporation quoted on the stock market."

8. True

"some operating under its name, others such as Asda in the UK or Seiyu in Japan under the original names of the firm that sold out to Walmart as a less aggressive form of marketing."

9. False

"it has received bad press for its lack of corporate responsibility."

10. False

"Walmart “Low prices, always” strategy benefits low-income customers (on average below the national income)."

11. False

"Employees are flatteringly called“associates”, but the 70% turnover reflects the dissatisfaction of working conditions."

12. True

"Among the accusations: low salaries, ($ 10.78 an hour for full-time employees, but they often start out at a lower pay)."

13. False

"sourcing extensively to foreign suppliers"

14. False

" anti-union practices"

15. True

" Employee and public pressure have obliged the corporation to take steps to improve its socially responsible image."

16. True

"Walmart will spend $50 million over the next three years for employees to get a higher education."

17. True

"the company’s commitment to sustainable agriculture among suppliers, and its intention to invest in training for small and medium sized producers especially in emerging countries."

18. False

"can certainly afford to be more generous and include its minimum wage “associates” in the feast."

Document 2.


Number of establishments :   1,122,703

One million one hundred and twenty-two thousand seven hundred and three

Sales, shipments, receipts :   3,932,027,444

Three billion nine hundred and thirty-two million twenty-seven thousand four hundred and forty-four

Annual payroll :  364,991,713

Three hundred and sixty-four million nine hundred and ninety-one thousand seven hundred and thirteen

Number of employees for pay period :  15,610,710

Fifteen million six hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and ten


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