American Dream
TD : American Dream. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar ranianadira21 • 6 Janvier 2019 • TD • 731 Mots (3 Pages) • 644 Vues
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American Dream
Introduction :
A space is a land limited by borders and an exchange can be an export of object, money or people like tourism or even migration. In fact, many persons migrate to another country for political or economic reasons. It is the case for Mexican people who decide to leave their country for United States. But the president Trump decided to build a border between Mexico and USA. The crossing became really dangerous for migrants and for those who cross successfully the border other difficulties wait for them on the American ground.
Problematic and Outlines :
So we can wonder: “Is the American Dream still alive? What attracts immigrants to live in the United States?”
I will first focus on the difficulties to pass the border between Mexico and United States, and then I will focus on the integration of the migrants in the United States.
I/ Difficulties to pass the border:
To begin, Mexicans decide to leave their native country to have better living conditions of life. Sometimes the father of the family leaves his wife and his children to win money alone in America and send it to them.
Migrants think that America is a chance to find a work and earn more money. They think they can have medical facilities and a better educational system.
However, the president of the United States, Trump, has decided to build a border which is called “La Linea”. On the one hand it is the longest border in the world. 1951 miles to stop people who try to pass it illegally. On the other hand this border is very dangerous, the document shows that more than 10 000 people die because of it. There are electric lightings and many police men who control this space.
Moreover, there is a river named “Rio Grande” between USA and Mexico which is perilous for those who try to cross it. In fact, there are snuggglers who are supposed to help migrants but sometimes they take advantage of the situation. In request for a sum of money they help migrants to cross the border without being caught by the police. In the document we can see that migrants are manipulated by those unscrupulous men.
The crossing is a step important in their life, they sacrifice everything for that but they’re not even sure to arrive in America because if the police catch them they bring them back to Mexico.
II/ Integration in United States
However this migration can cause discrimination. As an example, in the document we can see that latinos become more and more important and white people become a minority in California and some people think that this is a “problem”.
Moreover, some people think that Mexicans take Americans’ jobs. The president Trump has a bad opinion on migrants. He thinks they are alien, criminals… He says they come from bad countries and they will make America worst.
So we can see that migrants are not always the welcome in the country. But Trumps accepts migrants only if they contribute in the country.
On top of that, migrants have to work really hard in America, unskilled jobs like gardener or cleaner are the first jobs proposed to them. But they don’t