Oral christophe colomb
Cours : Oral christophe colomb. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mwwm_18 • 28 Novembre 2022 • Cours • 1 047 Mots (5 Pages) • 484 Vues
First of all the columbus day is due to the discovery of America "the new world" in 1492 by christopher columbus, out he discovered only the south and not the north of America. In addition, he is responsible with these men for the mass death of autochones, but he is despite everything become an American icon because books, Songs, cartoons showed to children a uniquely positive image of Christopher Columbus that is why a day was created in his honor in the United States. However they forgot to recount the brutal treatments committed on the Indigenious. Moreover, once America was discovered, Christopher Columbus made many Italians immigrate to America to allow Italian immigrants to live a better life. The United States was built on the struggle of Italian migrants because they suffered severe discrimination, treated as perpetual aliens and limited to manual labor. Moreover, Christopher Columbus was described as a courageous explorer who discovered "the new world" which gives an argument to Italians to stay on American soil.
Columbus Day began to be celebrated from 1792, in many American states. In 1892, Columbus Day was set up in school systems, it was associated with patriotism. Colorado was the first American state to make it a party in 1907. On October 12, 1934 (the actual date of the feast), the states made this day a public holiday.
In the 1960s, things started to change in America because of the civic movements that called for a change, so the autochone rights became part of the commemoration, so some people rejected that day.
In the 1970s, this day was moved to the second Friday of October which allowed people to get a weekend. Thus, it could make this holiday recognized, with a government offices, courts and schools closed. On this day we celebrate freedom and the new beginning
Before and still today this day is contested, so he had many demonstrations in order to change the name of this day.
In October 2004, on Columbus Christopher Day, American Indians demonstrated and 200 of them were arrested, their proclamation was "we were here first". This proclamation was said in order to affirm that American Indians were present in the United States before and longer than Christopher Columbus and also to denounce discrimination which they were victims of, It is for these reasons that the American Indians began to protest and that this day is contested and as all these were hidden for several centuries it have allowed Christopher Columbus to be an American icon.
Today, American states have the choice to celebrate Columbus Day or not. It is celebrated once a year with the Italian flag to pay tribute to Christopher Columbus and to Italian migrants all these with parades and bands.
I think this party is a good idea because not only does it celebrate the discovery of Christopher Columbus, but it also pays tribute to the Indigenious who have suffered a lot and that must never be forgotten
= tout d'abord le Colombus Day est dû à la découverte de l'Amérique "le nouveau monde" en 1492 par Christophe Colomb, hors il n'a découvert que le sud et non le nord de l'Amérique. De plus, il est responsable avec ces hommes de la mort massive des autochtones, mais il est malgré tout devenu une icône américaine car les livres, les chansons, les dessins animés montrés aux enfants une image uniquement positive de Christophe Colomb c'est pour cela qu'une journée a été créée en son honneur aux Etats-Unis. Cependant ils ont oublié de raconter les traitements brutaux commis sur les Indigenious. De plus, une fois l'Amérique découverte Christophe Colomb a fait immigrer de nombreux italiens sur le sol Américain pour permettre aux immigrants italiens de vivre une vie meilleure. Les Etats-Unis ont été construit sur la lutte des migrants italiens parce qu'ils ont subi des discriminations sévères, traités comme des étrangers perpétuels et limité à des travaux manuels. Par ailleurs, Christophe Colomb a été qualifié comme un explorateur courageux et qui a découvert "le nouveau monde" ce qui donne un argument aux italiens de rester sur le sol Américain.