BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 31 - 45
A gap year
« You plan to take a gap year tell where and en wich domain you will do it » Having always wanted to see farther than where I live, / I would like to leave in interesting, nice and beautiful / countries. Even of magnificent landscapes, to observe other cultures
263 Mots / 2 Pages -
A Hard Bargain
A Hard Bargain The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a deal between America, Japan and ten other countries around the Pacific, was signed in February but is now struggling. On September 26th, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the Democratic and Republican nominees for the American presidency, fought to distance themselves from it
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A king, accountable of murder?
A king, accountable of murder? On this poster, we believe recognize the logo of a emblematic fast food chain, called "BURGER KING" But the designer's goal was to make a parody of the Burger King logo into "MURDER KING" We can read the catchphrase "A king, accountable of murder?" We
448 Mots / 2 Pages -
A matter of degree
A MATTER OF DEGREE Publié sur De plus en plus de jeunes font des études supérieures ou des stages en tant qu’avocats, mais un certain nombre de jeunes Américains décident de se former dans un métier de l’artisanat après leur diplôme universitaire. Une des raisons est l’argent, les plombiers,
289 Mots / 2 Pages -
A minor skirmish
A minor skirmish This document is an article, whose author we don’t know, issued in the Economist on March 17th 2018. It is entitled “a minor skirmish” which means a minor fight and deals with the NRA wanting to sue Florida for banning arms in the State, this is
394 Mots / 2 Pages -
A model for testing green consumer behaviour: the relationship between green attitude and individual behaviour
Research Methodology A model for testing green consumer behaviour: the relationship between green attitude and individual behaviour Submitted by: Submitted to: Group: 5 Anjali Sharma (08) Heemanshi H (25) Prashant Saxena (35) Shivam Katiyar (47) Sudesh (50) A model for testing green consumer behaviour: the relationship between green attitude and
5 223 Mots / 21 Pages -
A night in Haworth
TRAVERSARI Literature 2°5 Côme A weird feeling which covered my whole body within seconds forced me to wake up with a start. I was sitting behind a curtain in this place taking the Brontë's house as a museum. I was there because of my class trip through the Northern part
1 092 Mots / 5 Pages -
A presentation of Kerala from Lonely Planet – Written comprehension
2. A presentation of Kerala from Lonely Planet – Written comprehension …Consisting of a skinny strip of land running between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats, Kerala is one of India’s most beautiful and successful states. The spindly network of rivers, lakes and canals that make up the breathtaking
779 Mots / 4 Pages -
A Princess of Mars (une princesse de mar), Edgar Rice (document en anglais).
Last week we brought you the first of four programs called “A Princess of Mars.” Our story is from a series of books by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs. They are science fiction stories, a mix of imagination and science. Last week, we met John Carter who begins the story.
374 Mots / 2 Pages -
A propos de Noce, Jean Vigo
To discuss the different ways in which filmmakers of the 1920s approached the theme of the modern city I will be drawing on examples from A Propos de Nice and Manhatta. A Propos de Nice (On the subject of Nice) is a film made in 1929 by Jean Vigo and
2 082 Mots / 9 Pages -
A quoi sert et comment fait-on une dissertation (document en anglais)?
A thesis (or dissertation) may be arranged as a thesis by publication or a monograph, with or without appended papers respectively. An ordinary monograph has a title page, an abstract, a table of contents, comprising the various chapters (introduction, literature review, findings, etc.), and a bibliography or (more usually) a
507 Mots / 3 Pages -
A quoi sert la comptabilité analytique ?
A quoi sert la comptabilité analytique ? Elle permet de calculer le coût de reviens à différentes étapes de la production des produit fabriqués par l’entreprise. On utilise La méthode des coûts complets. L’objectif de la comptabilité interne est de permettre aux gestionnaires de prendre de meilleures décisions. En comptabilité analytique
390 Mots / 2 Pages -
A red scarf
Name: Phone number: Topic: A story of my childhood Title of story: A red scarf As for me, I am the person who loves the new and loathes the old. When I was required to write this subject about a significant object which elevates my personal stories, I cannot help
1 191 Mots / 5 Pages -
A season of new beginning
A SEASON OF NEW BEGINNINGS Do not dwell in the past Expect great things from God this year Something good will happen 2018 is your best ever 2018 DÉCLARATION super natural shifts of Gods favor - when God is bringing your direction, you’ll experience a kind of blessing, a kind
353 Mots / 2 Pages -
A Significant Event
A Significant Event Lourenço Gabriel TL2 I do not have a lot of memories when it’s about my childhood, but the ones I remember are the most powerful to me. Today I’m gonna talk about THE most powerful memory that I have in my mind, so if you are sensitive
469 Mots / 2 Pages