BAC Anglais LV1
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Mise en situation Fairphone
Anglais : Mise en situation Partie 2 : Sujet 0 Hi I’m Antony, the sales advisor of the new tech department at Tesco, you need to know that the Fair Phone 2 was recognized as the world’s first ethical and modular phone. This is a great model that offers you
384 Mots / 2 Pages -
3. MITCH AND BLANCHE a) What impression does Blanche try to give Mitch about herself? She tries to give him a good first impression, as he seems “superior to the others” (49); he could be of ‘interest’ for the future she has imagined when coming there. So: - She plays
318 Mots / 2 Pages -
Mobilité en ipv6
Introduction IP version 6 (IPv6) is being designed within the IETF as a replacement for the current version of the IP protocol used in the Internet (IPv4). We have designed protocol enhancements for IPv6, known as Mobile IPv6, that allow transparent routing of IPv6 packets to mobile nodes, taking advantage
1 311 Mots / 6 Pages -
Modern European History Summative Assessment Task
Year 12 Modern European History Summative Assessment Task Sources Analysis 5% Refer to the separate sheet of sources when answering these questions. Examine the sources carefully. Answer ALL parts of the question. 1. What impression is given in the poster (Source 1) of the expected role of women in the
1 709 Mots / 7 Pages -
Mohamed Ali
So i am goingt to toolk about Mohamed Ali he was born on 19 January 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky was an American boxer. This gift for boxing comes from high school where he already wins amateur prizes such as the National Golden Gloves. In 1960, he won the gold
323 Mots / 2 Pages -
Momo, petit prince des bleuets
Noa Attal CM2 3 – Fiche de Lecture n° 2 – Pour le 28/11/2018 Fiche de Lecture n°2 Titre : Momo, Petit Prince des Bleuets Auteur + Biographie : Yaël Hassan, née en 1952 à Paris. Après avoir passé son enfance en Belgique, son adolescence en France, puis une dizaine
384 Mots / 2 Pages -
THE WORLD OF IMAGINATION THE GOTHIC GENRE 1st document: Extract of the novel« Dracula », by Bram Stoker, 1897 2nd document: Short-story « The Werewolf », Angela Carter, 1979 3rd document: Novel « The Shining » by Stephen King, 1977 I am going to talk about the notion of the
698 Mots / 3 Pages -
Mondialisation cas
Depuis quelques années nous assistons à une mondialisation. En effet, celle-ci s’accompagne d’un phénomène majeur dans le monde du travail : la fusion-acquisition qui est le rachat d’une entreprise par une autre. Ce phénomène va alors se traduire par la création de grandes entreprises souvent en situation de monopole.
780 Mots / 4 Pages -
A. La présence de l’auteur dans le texte. « je », pronom personnel de la 1ere personne est utilisé plusieurs fois ( l1 ; l3 ; l6….) Pronoms possessifs 1ere personne du pluriel : « notre et « nos » ( l5 ; l6) L’auteur est aussi présent à travers
491 Mots / 2 Pages -
Montgomery Boycott Bus
Quels sont les motifs de la mobilisation ? From 5 December 1955 to 21 December 1956 : Firstly, the arrest of Rosa Parks, a black American woman who refused to give a white man her seat in a bus, was behind the beginning of the movement for civil rights in
1 469 Mots / 6 Pages -
I chose to present you Montreal. Montreal is a city in Canada. It is an anglophone city. This city is located in the province of Quebec. In this city, the climate is variable, in winter, there is a lot of snow and in summer, weather can be hot. In winter
268 Mots / 2 Pages -
More about Common Law (London University)
More about Common Law (London University) Common Law is the law made by judges sitting in court and deciding on Individual cases, be they civil or criminal disputes. It’s the law of the land created by the judiciary. Therefore, the Common Law is sometimes referred to as Case Law. It
908 Mots / 4 Pages -
More Americans Swap Beach For the Office
Dupont Bastien MCO2 Anglais - BTS BLANC - More Americans Swap Beach For the Office 1 - COMPREHENTION Le texte ce dessous, rédigé par The Guardian et publier le 21 Aout 2006 est un paragraphe de revue de presse. Il nous explique que tout le monde est au courant que
496 Mots / 2 Pages -
Mort du roi Tsongor
Cours plan mort du Roi Tsongor I la vie temporelle II la temporalité du récit III le récit d’une quête Cet extrait se déroule juste après le grand incendie dans Massaba et l’arrivée des cendres qui rejoignent le camp de Sango Kerim , qui sont dirigés par Orios . Cet
638 Mots / 3 Pages -
Motivation letter
Application Manager Volunteer Action for Peace 8 Golden Ridge , Freshwater Isle of Wight PO40 9LE Dear Sir or Madam , I am currently studying healthcare to work for MSF ( médecins sans frontières) , but first I am hoping to be part of the Volontunteer Action for Peace projects.
379 Mots / 2 Pages