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How can art have an influence on powers?

Dissertation : How can art have an influence on powers?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Mai 2018  •  Dissertation  •  1 229 Mots (5 Pages)  •  745 Vues

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The topic I am going to talk about is “Places and forms of powers”. To begin with, I would like to give a definition of the notion: “Power is the ability of a person or of a group to exercise authority and control over others and to influence them”. Various forms of powers exist on different scales and levels in many areas and countries. Three powers are usually referred to: the executive, the legislative and the judicial powers, but power is also exercised in other spheres, such as economy, media, art or else.

In relation to the notion, I will try to answer the question: How can art have an influence on powers? First, I will deal with art as a means of power. Then, I will wonder if art can be a tool for social changes.

I – Art can be exercised as a sort of power

Art includes a wide range of activities: architecture, sculpture, paintings and other visual arts.

A – Architecture, a power in the hands of authorities.

If we look back in history, architecture has always been a symbol to assert power, for example: for the Romans, the Greek… Later, we can think of Versailles Castle. (The King wanted to show the power of France in the world). Nowadays too, in poor countries, authorities build huge palaces while the populations are starving. In Russia, for the Sochi Games in 2014, President PUTIN wanted to show the power of “new Russia” with its architecture (stadiums, arenas …).

In an article from Al-Jazeera, entitled “the architecture of dissent”, the writer highlights the impact of the structure of the cities. In 2014, waves of protests against the authorities started in the US… The marches were a great success in NYC because its architecture, (parallel and perpendicular streets and avenues with meeting points) made it easy for people to walk and gather whereas in Phoenix, built on an opposite structure, they were hardly noticed. Thus, New-York City’s architecture allows for dissent; no doubt, its urban design influences public movement. Town-planning (decided by authorities) can be a method for the political power to take away their rights from citizens.

Besides, in many big towns nowadays, there are places which have become lawless, the reasons are numerous but it is impossible to deny the fact that architecture and urban planning play a great part. In those places, authorities have given up, that’s why small dangerous groups become leaders and take the power over local authorities (gangs LA). To re-establish order, buildings and skyscrapers should be pulled down and the architecture of cities modified.

B – Sculptures and paintings’ impacts on the populations

Tensions can also burst between communities because of artworks, often built in places to be seen. For example, in a southern state, in Charlottesville, residents and officials planned to demolish a huge statue, (memorizing General Lee) which had stood there for long, while white nationalists refused. The statue was a symbol of the white power : the Whites in favour of segregation, still wanted to express their superiority.

Undoubtedly, those who have the power can use art as a sort of propaganda to influence public opinion. Drawings and paintings convey messages and it is very easy to give people a false opinion of what is going on. I will refer to paintings representing life on plantations: the slaves looked happy and well-fed, but in fact it was the contrary. Through history, the examples are numerous too.

Such as graphic art, photography and visual arts can also have a strong impact on public opinion and change people’s perceptions because they can associate something with an event in their life. So, art is really a tool of power which can also explain and educate. That’s the reason why there are some many museums round the world and artworks are so valuable.


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