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How can myths and heroes influence people’s careers ?

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Par   •  10 Avril 2019  •  Fiche  •  834 Mots (4 Pages)  •  737 Vues

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The notion : Myths and Heroes

I’m going to talk about the notion myths and heroes.

Heroes have always existed. They can be fictional or real, they are emblematic figures for each of us. They represent rôlemodels , an example to follow.

A myth is a story that may or may not be true. All cultures have myths and this mythology has been developed over time.

In class we studied a chapter entitled « Doors to successful careers » and raised the issue : How can myths and heroes influence people’s careers ?

To answer this issue I will first talk about what a dream job is, then I will talk about why dreams and myths are important to our career path, and finally about careers that make people heroes.

First of all I introduce the definition of a dream job with a quote by Abraham Lincoln : “always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing”.

Lincoln’s explains that It is our own determination that is the key to personal success. If we are determined to achieve our goals and dreams, it must lead to success.

We studied a cartoon in class which illustrates a judge who thinks “when I was young I thought wealth and power would make me happy… and I was right”. It’s an opinion of the concept of a dream job, he thinks that having wealth and power is the key of happiness. On the one hand, money can buy all the materialist things but on the other hand love and friendship can not be selling. The man in the cartoon has his personal idea of a dream job but it isn’t universal.

The definition of a dream job or of the success is different for each of us. A dream job is a job that must be gratifying, in which we feel good and that allows us to make a living on the long term.

Secondly, dreams can influence people’s careers. Indeed, with a lot of determination and ambition it is possible to reach any goal. For example we studied the trailer of the movie “invincible” which deals with the story of a man who fought for having his dream job. Vince papale was a man who didn’t have much luck at the beginning of his professional career. After he left his job, his wife left him and he learned he had a cancer. But he decided to fight against his disease and he realized that his dream is to become a professional footballer. He fulfilled his dream and had a lot of success. His story symbolises a mythical career because he got the job that suited him, he climbed the social ladders and it makes him happy.

We can also take the example of Steve Jobs. He knew a difficult course : he was an orphan and adopted by a lower middle class family. He dropped out from school and he didn’t graduate from university. However, he managed to revolutionize the world of the technology and created the apple brand. He became one of the biggest fortunes of the world and his inventions continue to inspire scientists and accompany millions of users.

Finally, people’s careers can be a source of inspiration. For example with the text “A track to follow” written by Robin olds a fighter pilot who followed the tracks of his father. He was very admirative about the job of his father and he considered him as a hero, he was passionate about aviation. He’s an example that careers can


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