- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 2 521 - 2 535

  • Medea - Medical Perspective

    Medea - Medical Perspective

    Medea – Medical Perspective In Medea, death is one of the main themes since Medea, in her extreme rage, ends up killing a lot of people including her children in different ways, we’re going to focus on the deaths that were caused by a weapon like a knife, by poison

    1 088 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Medias


    The media has change a lot during the centuries, to newspapers to an article on your phone let’s see the evolution In the current age of technological advances, it seems that old media is facing competition from ever expanding new forms of cable television, radio, newspapers, magazines and the majority

    503 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Medical progress

    Medical progress

    MEDICAL PROGRESS Yesterday again, doctors were « loosing » patients, because of a ressources and knowledge’s deficit but now, with all the medicine progresses, we can see that death and life are taken different path and there are moving away from each other. 1. medical discovery and set up

    466 Mots / 2 Pages


    MEETING REPORT PREPARATIONS: JULES: I think we must automate our production so I did estimations on machines productivity and I conclude that we could increase our productivity by 25%. RIAD: For engine sub-contracting I made enquiries with foreign companies in China. and I asked my customers through a survey he

    560 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Meeting with our host family !

    Meeting with our host family !

    Fiche histoire : DS Chapitre 1 : croissance économique et mondialisation I) Croissances et crises 1) Les moteurs de la croissance a. les deux révolutions industrielles 1 : fin du 18ème siècle

    1 792 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Meetings and others people

    Meetings and others people

    We are going to introduce the notion meeting other people, love and friendship. The notion speak of the love and the friendship in the english literature. My key question is : « On the literature , a loving meeting arrives only thanks to a friendly meeting ? » To deal

    874 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Mémorial 11/09

    Mémorial 11/09

    La statue de la Liberté Diapo1 : Présentation générale : _Construite entre 1875-1886 _Sculpture : Auguste Bartholdi (français), squelette : Gustave Eiffel (français), projet : Edouard Laboulaye(français). _Offerte par la France en signe de l’amitié franco-américaine, pour célébrer le centenaire de la déclaration de l’indépendance américaine. _Exposée à New-York, sur

    1 102 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Memory of WW2 battle of Dunkirk

    Memory of WW2 battle of Dunkirk

    as we said many memories can come out of an event here it is the Battle of Dunkirk What is the battle of Dunkirk so the battle of Dunkirk happened in the north of France from 26 May 1940 until the 4th of June the same year what we can

    282 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Men make houses, men make homes

    Men make houses, men make homes

    Men make Houses, women make homes Traditionally, men built or bought the houses. A girl born in the 19th century had little chance of evading the role that was considered her destiny - to marry young, stay home and raise a family. That is what echoes in my head when

    285 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Meritocracy is a myth invented by the rich

    Meritocracy is a myth invented by the rich

    Meritocracy is a myth invented by the rich In the wake of scandal concerning inequalities of admission to US college, the author deems that the main factors are: both the privilege due to the student’s educational background and thus the advantages granted to the latter according to the social status

    418 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Mers et océans

    Mers et océans

    the document is a graphic published in 2018 by the FAO (The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This document talks about the increase in the exploitation of fishery resources. Today maritimisation is one of the biggest part of the globalization. Seas and oceans are important vectors of

    834 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Méthode commentaire littérature

    Méthode commentaire littérature

    Fiche Méthode Littérature Step 1 : Introducing : Dans cette partie, on va remettre le texte dans son contexte. On va mentionner la date de parution et donner quelques éléments historiques uniquement ceux qui sont pertinents pour éclairer le texte. ( ex : le colonialisme et son idéologie ) On

    594 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Méthode d'apprentissage

    Méthode d'apprentissage

    20210129 1 MCO INIT VOCABULARY Retail industry = la grande distribution A company like Metro is a distributor, a wholesaler sells in large quantities = un grossiste We are the buying public, the consumers, the end clients. Supply Chain = la chaîne logistique The supply chain starts with the raw

    387 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Méthode de la dissertation en anglais

    Méthode de la dissertation en anglais

    METHODE N°3 WRITE AN ESSAY= dissertation = Sujet Argumentatif examples of subjects : Do you think that studying Philosophy at school is useful ? Is money everything ? To what extent would you be ready/ able to go/ study/ settle abroad ? Plan à suivre : 1 – Always start

    1 052 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Méthode des fiches de révision pour l'aral de l'EAF

    Méthode des fiches de révision pour l'aral de l'EAF

    METHODE DES FICHES DE REVISION POUR L'ORAL Vous devez faire des fiches de révision afin de préparer votre oral de l'EAF. Que devez-vous y mettre? Conseils pratiques: ⁃ Utilisez des couleurs, la mémoire visuelle en a sauvé plus d'un avec la pression de l'examen! ⁃ Prenez des fiches cartonnées (

    583 Mots / 3 Pages
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