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Fugitive slave acts

Analyse sectorielle : Fugitive slave acts. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Juin 2018  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  805 Mots (4 Pages)  •  600 Vues

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Today I'm going to talk about the fugitive slave acts.

The fugitive slave acts was the name given to a pair of federal laws statutes passed by Congress of United States, respectively, on February 12th, 1793 and September 18th, 1850 and ruling on the modalities of capture of the escaped slaves and of their return to their owner.

My objective is to show that there two law separated the United States.

In what, the fugitive slave acts raised the questions of the racism? In what have the citizens of the United States of to take a stand?

I've divided my separation into three parts. First I am going to dedicate myself on the law of january 1793 then on that of september1850. To finish I'll talk about their impacts on the United States.

First of all, I'm going to talk about the first law.

The first law of Fugitive slave act was passed on february 1793. It guaranteed the right of a owners to recover an escaped slave and required citizens to help in the return of escaped fugitive slaves, slaves lived under heavy restrictions. The law specifies that an escaped slave is considered as fugitive, being able to be captured at any time and wherever on the territory of the United States (including in States said free). The fugitive law imposed a $500 penalty on any person who helped to hide escaped slaves. Many Northern states wanted to evade the act and some states passed "personal liberty laws" giving the right of a jury trial before fugitive slaves could be moved - many of these juries refused to convict fugitives charged under the Act. Other states in the North forbade the use of local jails, or the assistance of state officials, in the arrest or return of runaway slaves.

The 1793 Act was therefore not particularly effective because its enforcement had been left to the states, and public opinion in the North was opposed to the return of runaway, fugitive slaves.

One of the major consequences of this law is the development of a new profession, the slave - catchers the purpose of which is to look for, to capture and to put back the runaway slaves to their owners against remuneration. Very often, these hunters are going to exceed the law, capturing free blacks to resell them as slaves. In reply, abolitionist movements are illegally going to get organized, such as the underground railroad. Public opinion in the North gradually strengthened against slavery

In Second part, I'm going to talk about the second law.

The second and the last law Fugitive slave actwas passed on September of 1850, as part of the Compromise of 1850 and a concession to the South. In the debuts of the 1840s, there are still numerous sources of conflict between the States of the South and those of the North concerning the slavery. One of the main points of friction concerns the chronic lack of assistance offered by the Nordists to help the owners of slaves and their agents to find the escaped slaves.

The law of 1850 increased harsher penalties against runaway slaves and the people who helped them. Penalties for helping slaves were increased to $1000 and six months in jail.

It increased penalties against fugitive slaves and any people who helped them. In 1850, the value of male slaves was


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