Instagram it
Lettre type : Instagram it. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar jjjj8 • 30 Mai 2018 • Lettre type • 360 Mots (2 Pages) • 573 Vues
“ The Obesity rate is growing every year in the USA” “ Obesity, the United States' nightmare” : here are some of the newspaper title appeared in the last weeks. They report obesity, this plague that gnaws the United States since 2010 and that even keep growing now ! Indeed : the obesity rate increase for more than 1 or 2% every year in the USA ! Today, more than 30% of the American's families are suffering from obesity ; and it affects every family, even the wealthier one like the the Obama's family. Indeed, like every working parents, Michelle and Barack didn't have any time to cook and, at least, Michelle saw the changes because her daughters took some weight. This is what since 2010 she launched the “ Let's Move ! “ movement. And what a revolutionnary movement ! The old first lady took the best decision during Barack Obama's mandate : she decided to give to the nation an healthy lifestyle by giving healthy food in school or making child some physical activities ! What a brilliant idea ! It is going to reduce the obesity rate in the United States and it will invite people and children to make more sport and eating healthier !
Indeed, she also make healthy food more affordable : so, it will help poor families ( who are the most affected by obesity) to buy better products.
If organic vegetables would coast a lot less than a McDonald's, I think that I will eat a lot more healthier and I'll be in a better health ! Indeed, fatty food cause hypertension, diabetes and sometimes, even heart attacks. So, by making healthy food affordable it will reduce the diabete and the heart problems rate : 30% of the American people have heart problems causing by obesity ! If this plague increase again and again, and if no one support Michelle Obama's movement by making their own movement, the United States will become the # StateOfObesity. So, let's share the #Let'sMove hashtag, let's invite people to fight against obesity and, at least : Let's Move !