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43 507 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 12 541 - 12 555

  • Essay Photojournalism

    Essay Photojournalism

    Maxime GANNE Essay : Photojournalism 1ère S5 Photojournalism is a particular form of journalism that employs images in order to tell a news story. There is no doubt this kind of journalism is one of the most important part of journalism, it is playing a major role and gives itself

    629 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Essay question: is it better to work in groups or to work alone?

    Essay question: is it better to work in groups or to work alone?

    It is better and more effective to work independently than to work with a group of people. Working alone allows people to learn new information to express their ideas openly, without ever having to be distracted or having to disagree on an idea. First, working in a group causes time

    474 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Essay sur George Washington

    Essay sur George Washington

    Ibrahim Kante POSC 350 CTWE #1 What the office of the presidency owes to Washington When Studying the American presidency, it is almost impossible to discuss anything without mentioning or alluding to Georges Washington. Indeed, Washington represents so much of our cultural understanding of the presidency it becomes now prerequisite

    1 036 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Essay, Anglais, exemple.The thieves' christmas eve.

    Essay, Anglais, exemple.The thieves' christmas eve.

    THE THIEVES’ CHRISTMAS EVE We are in an old mansion located in the Canada’s mountains. This place is the secret den of three reputed thieves. This gang is composed of a leader named Barth and his accomplices named Joe and Dick. Barth is very advanced in hold-up, he had stolen

    567 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Essay, how do americans feel about guns?

    Essay, how do americans feel about guns?

    How do Americans feel about guns? American history is rooted in guns. The Second Amendment to the American Constitution was instated so that the state may never exercise tyrannic power such as lived under British rule. Ever since, Americans have clung to their guns whether it be for their own

    2 707 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Essay, Mara Mabilia

    Essay, Mara Mabilia

    In this essay, Mara Mabilia searches to understand how the women who have undergone practices such as FGM, live in host countries that interpret such practices as unacceptable and violations of human rights. Because of the growing interest on FMG by associations and government, the invisible invisible marks project was

    386 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Essay, online shopping

    Essay, online shopping

    Lou Sebasoni ONLINE SHOPPING Amazon was created in 1994, one year after eBay took shape, since [a]then people could see more and more websites where you can buy from a book to a chair. But has this growth of online shopping greatly improved life for consumers? The ability of doing

    332 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Essay- Integration and culture

    Essay- Integration and culture

    200 000 is the number of migrants who come to France each year. They are from different countries, continents and so are their cultures. The cultures represent our identity, it is the result of our past, of our education and of our environment and here is the issue. Indeed, integration into

    436 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Essay: is the US a promised land for immigrants?

    Essay: is the US a promised land for immigrants?

    MIMOUN ALIA 1èreB Writing an essay: Firstly, the key word “intellectual” makes us think about the words “skills”, ”knowledge”, ”high education”. Secondly, “Promised land”, is the second key word and it leads us to say that people will find opportunity and will adopt a better lifestyle. Furthermore, we can link

    635 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Essays about Monsters: Demons

    Essays about Monsters: Demons

    BOUJADI Lahcen Critical righting and righting assignment 1.1 Essays about Monsters: Demons The monsters that scares me the most are Demons. First of all demons are invisible creatures that every one that believes in God, Christians, Muslims or Jewish believe in their existence. They are a kind of bad angels

    781 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Essays Anglais, myths and heroes

    Essays Anglais, myths and heroes

    Anglais 1ère Notion: Myths and heroes:

    990 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Essays Anglais, myths and heroes

    Essays Anglais, myths and heroes

    « La sociologie compréhensive (telle que nous la concevons) considère l’individu isolé et son activité comme étant son unité de base, je dirai : son ‘atome’ » écrivait Max Weber dans ses Essais sur la Théorie de la Science (1904). Dès la naissance des sciences sociales dans le monde, deux tendances agonistes

    1 864 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Essor et déclin des puissances modernes et contemporaines

    Essor et déclin des puissances modernes et contemporaines

    Composition: Essor et déclin des puissances modernes et contemporaines Dans l'Histoire, la notion d'empire était utilisée pour qualifier une puissance. Avant l'époque moderne, les empires ont étaient de grandes puissances comme les Empires assyrien, romain, mongol, chinois, carolingien et byzantin. La puissance est la capacité à imposer ses décisions, d'

    1 807 Mots / 8 Pages


    ESSOR ET DECLIN DES PUISSANCES MODERNES ET CONTEMPORAINES Introduction : Durant des siècles avant l’époque moderne, toutes les grandes puissances étaient de vastes empires territoriaux comme les Empires assyriens, romain, mongol, chinois, carolingien et byzantin qui ont connu un essor, puis une apogée et enfin un déclin. La notion de

    655 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Essor et déclins des puissances

    Essor et déclins des puissances

    Thème 2 Analyser les dynamiques des puissances internationales CHP5 : Les formes indirectes de la puissance Intro : Soft et smart powers ont toujours existé : Thucydide dans La guerre du Péloponnèse faisait déjà dire à Périclès que tout le monde veut ressembler à Athènes ; et Ulysse est le

    2 739 Mots / 11 Pages
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